Ever heard of people who were naturally stoned? i heard of it somewhere and was wondering if anybody knew anything about it..
what if we are all naturally stoned and become normal when we smoke pot? What if being stoned was getting back to the "normal" state of mind?
there are many natural highd out there loike playing music, hiking, anything your really into provides a natural high. but i doubt a completely normal person can sit there doing nothing and suddenly be high (unless its an acid flashback....which is still rare)
Meditation. Ok, so you have to practice it for a while, but still. And sometimes i'll be sitting there doing whatever and will suddenly feel stoned, sort of. It doesn't last very long but it feels a lot like it. Maybe it's a sort of pot flashback or something.
i remember from one of those bull shit anti drug videos they made us watch in health class that if you smoke enough pot the effects will be permanent. Which is obviously a load of crap.
Well, there is a chemical in your brain, thats like the cannabinoids you get from smoking. Maybe, some people have more of this chemical? As opposed to the rest of us, who only have a small amount.
i wish sometimes if i think about feeling high and im feeling happy and good i can make myself feel high if i think about it enough natural highs are tight
I thing it have a lot of people naturaly stone because, it's natural to be stone, marijuana come from earth.It's have activity that can made something similar, but I thing that to be stone is a effect of chimical subtance in ny brain, so it's can arrive similar alone just by contact on my brain, it's all there that it's pass.
was my imput ignored? lol if you were constantly stoned, you would be classed as having a mental disease.