welcome...and it's a lovely avatar and a great body. not really at all revealing.....looks like u might be a bottom as far as sex goes. This is a great forum for discussion and info....enjoy. Simon
I'm sorry, I have to do something about my profile. I will take care of that soon. I thaugt it was relaxing to read threads about how funny situations can appear when You are naked at home. And I didn't realize that there was a rule about naked skin on this forum. Sorry.
Welcome to the forums man. We dig all kinds round here, weirder the better. If you're really itchin' to show lil Harry to the world why not make a private album where only those you follow can view. I for one dig the vibe you're goin' for but this is a place for all types of weird and as such we gotta be willing to be flexible, ya know? Anyway peace n love RH
This is a site where people discuss a wide range of subjects, rather than just focusing on sexual issues. As a new member, your introduction may ring a few alarm bells. I hope this makes sense to you.