National Geographic program called Inside 911

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by Climbing Arms of Ivy, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. Climbing Arms of Ivy

    Climbing Arms of Ivy Senior Member

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    I saw the last part of this special last night and I saw the twin tower blowing up. Of course I have seen it before but I saw it again for the first time in a while and it is one of the worst things I have ever seen in my life. There is some debate on whether it could have been a missile instead of a plane to cause so much damage, but then again the plane was going 500 miles an hour. Another thing that is puzzling is that they had film of the plane heading for the building, I mean how in the world did someone have a camera running?
    Was it a tourist or what?
  2. astrobreaux

    astrobreaux "pan"

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    you might want to go to there are pictures, tons of pictures showing predetonations of high ordinance explosives. the structure of a skyscraper is like a big screen house. a jet or missile punching a hole in a skyscraper is like poking a pencil through the screen house. everyone sees jetfuel as some kind os super fuel, it's kerosene. it is impossible for kerosene to burn hot enuff to melt steel, much less cut thru all the steel structure simultaneously to cause a building to implode into itself straight down. the US gov't has taken advantage of the average citizen's exposure to hollywood special affects. hollywood uses low ordinance, slow moving explosives that make lots of noise and fire and throw stuff all over. high ordinance, high speed explosives move so fast, it's hard to catch on film and it just shreads stuff, no firey blast, barely more than a pop as far as noise goes. there is also lots of video out there that could have only been filmed if the person had prior knowledge of what was to happen. there is tons of pictures and video that is being ignored.
  3. SunLion

    SunLion Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    That explains it in enough detail that I think it's factual. But at the same time, I'll never again mock a conspiracy theory. Too many of them have turned out to be true with regards to the Iraq War.

    I'll never again trust another American politician unless I'm standing on his grave with the dirt already trampled down thoroughly as I sing Hell In A Bucket.
  4. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    The towers weren't hit by missiles. We saw the footage of the planes hitting them. There is, however, some debate as to whether there was an explosion emanating from the planes just about a second before both planes hit the towers, where distinctive flashes can be seen. However, the claims that this was caused by a missile or some other secondary explosive, I believe, are unfounded and unproven.

    If a missile hit anything, it was the Pentagon. No footage was ever released of the Pentagon crash, despite the fact that the Pentagon is one of the most surveilled buildings in the world. There was also no wreckage to be seen on the Pentagon lawn following the crash, and the damage to the building isn't indicative of the official story that a jetliner had struck it.

    I still believe the collapse of Building 7, along with Larry Silverstein's admission that it was "pulled", is the smoking gun in the 9/11 conspiracy. We know the collapse of Building 7 was a controlled demolition, despite the "official" reports stating otherwise. There is also so much evidence showing the collapse of the towers were also controlled demolitions, from the reports of explosions inside the buildings, to the way the buildings fell.... and the fact they actually fell, despite the fact that they were over-engineered to take multiple jetliner collisions.
  5. cadcruzer

    cadcruzer Sailing the 8 seas

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    0 try this site it should clear up somethings for you....
  6. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Anything could have happened to it. It could have been landed or crashed at a remote location, or it could be sitting at the bottom of the ocean as I type this. This is all speculation. The fact of the matter is that the Pentagon was clearly not hit by a Boeing, as is officially being claimed.

    If it was hit by a Boeing, why haven't we seen any footage, aside from some grainy security camera footage, where all that can be made out is the impact flash? What does the government have to hide? Why was surveillance footage confiscated from businesses neighboring the Pentagon within minutes of the crash, capturing the crash on tape, yet was never released to the public.

    The biggest question of all is how did such a supposedly lousy "terrorist" pilot manage to locate and so perfectly crash a Boeing into a building like the Pentagon? Several experienced commerical pilots have said it would have been impossible for them to pull of such a complex maneuver, considering the low height of the building.

    Air traffic controllers even reported that Flight 77 (or, rather, Flight 77's drone) was making strange maneuvers over the Pentagon in the minutes before "it" struck. Strange loop-like patterns that were picked up on radar indicated this. Such maneuvers would have been impossible by a commercial jetliner.
  7. cadcruzer

    cadcruzer Sailing the 8 seas

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    so all the eyewitness's are either made up or just telling flat out lies? well all you have is eyewitness's to the missle thoery "an alot less" did you not the see the photo of wreckage on pentagon lawn?air traffic controllers have confirmed the jet flew over at 7000' then banked hard hitting the pentagon. man you edit your post while im repling kinda throws my response's ot of sync.
  8. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Several eyewitnesses reported seeing (and hearing) something other than a commercial jet strike the building, yet for the most part the mainstream media ignored these reports. Many of these people were experienced military and ex-military personnel as well.

    I have seen a single picture from the Pentagon lawn showing wreckage that could have been part of a fuselage. But there is a lot of questioning as to whether the picture was forged or not. It seems awfully odd that was the only piece of noticeable wreckage caught on camera, not to mention the wreckage seemed rather off center and out of place in relation to the impact site. Why did a small piece of the fuselage survive the crash, but not the plane's wings or landing gear?
  9. ChanginTimes

    ChanginTimes Member

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    Let's not even get into the story of Flight 93...

    I'll leave that one for people to read David Ray Griffin's book "The New Pearl Harbor".
  10. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    The attack on the North Tower (the first tower to be hit) was coinicidently caught on tape by only one group of people; the Naudet Brothers of France, who were in New York City that day filming a documentary about the New York City Fire Department.

    The plane hitting the South Tower was caught by dozens of cameramen - professional and amateur - who were already focused on the devestation to the North Tower. Both towers were in view of the cameras that were filming the smoking North Tower.
  11. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Yeah, I think many of us know that Flight 93 was shot down. Rumsfeld has even slipped several times and admitted this himself.
  12. cadcruzer

    cadcruzer Sailing the 8 seas

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  13. jim_w

    jim_w Member

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    Wow, all this WTC shit is pretty funny! Do you have any more links to this type of stuff?
  14. Jerry

    Jerry Member

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    I saw this show also. It reminded me that the impossile is very possible, that the impossible is only that for a matter of time. America was hit hard, possible the worst since the war of 1812. Our symbol of national dominace in the world was brought down by a man with no major army or nation. Then to top it all off he got away with it, brought America into the wars in the middle-East and is now slowly draining America, just like he did to Russia. Osama Bin Laden is no fool. He knew America would come after him hard after 9/11. That was his plan, this one man will have began the downward spiral for one of the greatest nations in history. But, he will strike again and a lot harder to. Anyone who says "if he had people in America he would have used them, or if he had WMD's he would have used them". Well, he does have both. The FBI said that it is "only a matter of time before Osama uses WMDs". The FBI has documented evidence of Osama buying 20 suitcase nukes from KGB agents for 20 million and 700 million in herion. He is setting up something big. He is not going to set thigns up fast and make some weak attack on America. He is going to set up something huge. Osama himself said that he wants to kill at least 4 million American's in one day and 2 million American childern to avange all the pain America has brought on others. THIS IS WHAT OSAMA SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO. If there is any lesson in history that repeats and no one ever learns is that people with influence will do what they say. Hitler wrote in Mien Kempf his plans for the Jews before he came to power. No one thought he woudl actually do what he said, but he did. Just like many others in history. So that show on 9/11 just showed me that it is only a matter of time before another, darker, and more "unreal" day will come for America. Enjoy...chances are that one day out of the blew 20 American cities will suddenly be gone.
  15. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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  16. KBlaze

    KBlaze Member

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    I would highly recommend this movie, "Loose Change" about 9/11; it's not full of nutty theories or anything; it's straight investigative points. This is part 1 of 2.

    Please watch it.

    I've shown 2 of my friends, who are now a bit uncomfortable about the subject; I don't think they're ready to confront certain possabilities.

    Thanks, peace.

    PS about Cadcruzer's link...
    Those aren't bad rebukings...but they don't stand up to the real facts, like how kerosene burns and steel melts and whatnot. Things like finding the black box could have easily been planted: "See, look here's a black box, ignore all the science, look, we have the box!"
  17. ChanginTimes

    ChanginTimes Member

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    speaking of investigative reports, check out David Ray Griffin's book "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions". This is the most credible man imaginable and he personally believes that factions within the U.S. government blueprinted and carried out the events of 9/11/01. A growing number of Americans are starting to wake up to it. Hopefully that will happen faster and before the next Reichstag event.
  18. Pointbreak

    Pointbreak Banned

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    The sad part is that Griffen takes no credit (or blame) for anything he wrote; he outsources responsibility for nearly every aspect of its content. Yet to conspiracy theorists this is considered "research".

    Anyone who wants to see Griffen's total inability to defend anything he wrote can read this interview:
  19. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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    That interesting you posted that as evidence of your point...I thought David Ray Griffin was great in this episode of Democracy Now and really made a lot of great points.
  20. Pointbreak

    Pointbreak Banned

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    Great points along the lines of "I can't explain that, i don't know, I got that from someone else, they researched it not me, I don't have an alternative theory, i can't remember my sources at the moment, even if that's wrong its not the point, etc etc etc."

    The guy even referred to feedback as proof that this was some of his best work!

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