NASA Approves Early-Stage Funding For Portable Tech that Can Generate Oxygen on Mars Will it be taxed?
I do hope we get to the Moon(?)/Mars(nasa/esa/..)........... but we are still sofar,from making it realy usefull(finance/energy/resources/geopolotics/ect)*sigh* Personally i would first go for the moon(jump of point mars/resources/ect).......but i dont see it happening soon, if you dont get most of the world on the same program. Mzzls
I'm glad if you really think so. NASA means so much more than what Pop culture implies about it. But they have a big presence, there and at any concert venue ever...
The Super Soaker was Invented by a NASA Nuclear Engineer Working on His Hobby in the Bathroom - Core77 Is this a sign that weapons will follow man to Mars? It starts as a sport.