Has anyone here had any dealings or experience with a sufferer of Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) What strategies have bode you well when dealing with people afflicted by this disorder?
i have suspicions about a couple people, but neither have been diagnosed as far as i know. i think my most effective strategy in both cases was just to minimize contact with the person.
Periodically a psychologist somewhere mentions the simple fact that Fundamentalist religion fits all the criteria for a mental disease, but there's no money in telling half the population they're insane, unless you do it one at a time and invent some new reason for their insanity. Some 40% of Americans support Donald Duck's attempts to proclaim himself emperor of the world, one in five insists the sun revolves around the earth, while their teachers insist they require critical thinking skills, and psychologists insist the pharmaceutical companies are our only hope. The sad truth is, metaethics rule the universe, including modern psychology, and the computers are already making the experts look like complete idiots. You can run, but you cannot hide from the simple truth that those raised in extended families or who volunteer the use of their own two hands routinely, live up to their own moral standards and thrive better in the long run. Either psychology will catch up with the empirical evidence, or it will soon become everybody's worst enemy. Diagnosing people as narcissistic when your own profession ignores the evidence for meta ethics and morality, is amoral, especially if drugs are the only viable alternative you have to offer.
I dated what I’d consider to be a guy with NPD about five years ago. Eventually, I had to go no contact with him. We tried to be friends after our break up but narcissists don’t really know how to be friends. It’s all about them and what’s in it for them. He wouldn’t let me go not because he loved me but because he loved abusing me. When I learned about NPD, it’s like I connected all the dots. He told me that he loved me too quickly and over texted and called too soon. All of that is done to gain your trust quickly so the abuse can begin. My advice to anyone dealing with this type is to go no contact. For your own sanity and safety. They rarely if ever change because they don’t have empathy or the ability to self reflect. It’s sad that there are people who have such a disorder.
I know I'm a bad person, but I'm not sure if narcissism is the word. My dad was a narcissist. All he cared about was himself. Literally everything about him was a facade. His children were merely tolerable responsibilities. Behind it all was a selfish man who simply only ever thought of his own emotional well being. And he rarely felt well.