This election needs a lot more lefty libs in the race. i guess there are four or five lib candidates right now, but we need some outrageous ones to compete with the Donald and the Cruz, to fire up the base. Both Shillary and Bernie are like milk toast compared the far right. It's just insane that Jeb looks like a moderate. I really can't think of 17 far left Libs, But Joe Biden, John Kerry and Al Franken should join in on calling out the stupid shit the cons are spewing. And I'd really like to see George Clooney make a bid for the White House. He could be the left's example of Trump. Hey the cons hero was a really bad actor, and the country bought that stupid shit.
Elizabeth Warren comes to mind. Also check out the Green Party candidate for Prez, Jill Stein. She's got some great ideas! If you want to go even further left, check out the Peace and Freedom Party... These are all people who are not part of the Political establishment. Why look to ppl Biden and Kerry? Al Franken would be good. Bernie Sanders of course does a good job of leaning left, but probably not quite enough for my taste, but he's the best so far.
Liberals won't be happy until the US is a communist dictatorship... it practically already is. But what I'd like to know is how are any of the Republicans far right? If that was the case, they would champion smaller government instead of what we have today. Most of them want the same exact thing as the Democrats while spewing rhetoric to make people think they're somehow different from the other side. It's all bullshit. Politics are a farce. People can vote for whatever stooge they like -- Democrat or Republican. It doesn't mean things are going to change. At least not for the better.
This is why I don't adhere to either party, they have both morphed into something I can't recognize politically. I was actually concerned that after the GOP was handed both houses they would gum up the works by going after the ACA and other Obama efforts. Instead, they did nothing, the opposite of what they told their base to get elected. What we seem to have in the US is orchestrated performances called politics. But the real issue is class. We have the ruling class who plays chess with the lives of the rest of us. Both parties are part of the same country club. I often cite the War on Drugs as the obvious proof of their collusion. Remember what Clinton did? He garnered the youth vote by admitting to pot use and hinting about legalization. Once elected pot enforcement went through the roof. In fact, the medical marijuana clinics made their greatest gains during the Bush 2 years. I agree with the premise of this thread because it seems as though the far left is pulling the same shit toward their base or they are entirely missing in action. When they do pop up, it leads only to more questions or even embarrassment (something that paralyzes Republicans). I'm ashamed of both side. This nation has the resources to solve so many of our problems. Instead, the resources are diverted to a few "important" families.
Most voters today are not old enough to remember the government prior to Ronnie Raygun, the champion of the GOP. Prior to Raygun the national debt was lass than one trillion dollars, and it seemed this country had finally learned the futility of war (Vietnam). But then Raygun doubled pentagon spending and wasted a trillion dollars on STAR WARS. He sold chemical weapons to Iraq and missiles to Iran during the Iran/Iraq war, which created the Muslim hate for the U.S.. Raygun also sold cocaine with Noriega and used the profits to buy guns for the contras. Noriega went to prison, Raygun claimed old farts decease and got off. Since Raygun, taxes for the rich have gone down and taxes for everyone else have gone up. And corporations, which have ALL the money pay NOTHING. It really gripes me, that the democrats are so spineless as to let the cons create the banana republic we have today. The rich have everything, and the middle class is all but destroyed. And now the cons are trying to destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the affordable healthcare act, aid to the poor, food stamps for hungry children, education, and the environmental protection agency, saying they want to cut spending. BUT THEY DON'T CUT SPENDING! THEY HAD EIGHT YEARS TO CUT SPENDING DURING SHRUB JR.'S REIGN, AND THEY ONLY DOUBLED THE NATIONAL DEBT! The programs the cons are trying to destroy are those that the democrats created to help other Americans. The cons on the other hand, have given Afghanistan and Iraq trillions of dollars rebuilding what they destroyed since 2003. They spent trillions more destroying those countries. There is a clear distinction between the cons and libs. The cons are for the RICH, AND CORPORATIONS. The libs are for middle class Americans and the poor. The cons have spent 35 years demonizing the poor, and fucking the middle class. Those are the facts. And if you can't see that, you've drank too much con koolaid.
I must say Skip, I'm impressed with your knowledge of U.S. politics. Aren't you European? You seem to know more than most Americans do about their own government, which is really sad.
If Trump or Bush get into office, i am tuning off.....for however long they are in I think one of them will be the candidate...i think they are both jerks... I like Biden the best, but he is not exciting enough for this country and does not spark much controversy. same ole same ole.... I hope the country enjoys the f'in it is going to get, as my dad used to say.