"When all such of us as have now reached the years of maturity first opened our eyes upon the stage of existence, we found intoxicating liquor recognized by everybody, used by everybody, repudiated by nobody "It commonly entered into the first draught of the infant and the last of the dying man. "It is true that even then it was known and acknowledged that many were greatly injured by it; but none seemed to think the injury arose from the use of a bad thing, but from the abuse of a very good thing." ―ABRAHAM LINCOLN, 1842.
But alcohol can and has been used as a medicine - ever hear the expression "Brandy for medicinal purposes" ???
Thats your excuse This is mine Beer raises your levels of vitamin B Beer is particularly rich in group B vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12). For example, a Dutch study found that beer drinkers had 30% more vitamin B6 than non-drinkers and twice that of wine drinkers.
alky began when people discovered they could consume fruit that had rotted in the right way, and not die from doing so. probably by first observing other life forms getting away with doing so. personal taste is personal taste. the psycho-physical condition brought on the the consumption of mind altering substances does not give me the pleasure others claim for it. for those who do, fine, for them, if they can do so without becoming more destructive then they are aware of or willing to admit while under its influence. some substances are less socially destructive and harmful. of those, most are less universally lawful. even alky is unlawful in some places. as long as people aren't using it as an excuse to pester me or anyone else who doesn't wish to be, that's all up to themselves. to me, its just one of those over rated things, that there are so many others that give me far more of whateverthehell its supposed to, and most of them cheaper for what they give.
Its all a question of moderation !!! - Knowing the limit of your alcohol tolerance and never exceeding that tolerance level.
what if you simply have no attraction to it? not a matter of passing judgement, but simply of it being so far down on the list of other things that are so much more interesting and appealing? just like, without wishing them any unhappiness nor harm, i find humans less compellingly interesting then cats, computers, densely forested mountainous landscapes, or trains. i really don't feel the same compulsion others seem to, to imitate each other, to be like anyone else, let alone some imaginary most people.
making an extreme out of conventionality, is really not that interesting nor amusing. as a child i thought it was, until i got tired of seeing to much of the same old same old.
I wish that was the case for me…as it is for many people. I was one of those that had to touch the wall to see if the sign was correct. A trip to rehab and about 5,000 AA meetings and I live is good…as long as I don’t pick up the first drink.
to me, the least interesting things are those that are the most popular. and yes, alkohaul is a member of that collection. along with money and humans. less common mind altering substances don't entirely escape that box either. the best mind altering substance is the mind itself. though it is an aquired ability that takes a certain amount of development.
As for alcohol use in early European societies, analysis of residues found in various artifacts suggests that people thousands of years ago were consuming mead, grogs, fruit wines and beer made of wheat and barley, often in ceremonial contexts, according to Guerra-Doce's report. "In some cases, the capacity of the vessels indicates that the quantity of alcohol was high," Guerra-Doce told HuffPost. "One of the most impressive examples comes from the Hallstatt princely wagon burial of a 40-year-old male, dated to around 530 B.C., at Hochdorf, near Stuttgart, where an enormous bronze cauldron imported from Greece was deposited in the grave chamber containing 350 liters of mead." The earliest alcoholic drink to have been chemically documented was found in neolithic China and dates back about 9,000 years. Using molecular archeology, Dr. Patrick McGovern, scientific director of the Biomolecular Archaeology Project for Cuisine, Fermented Beverages, and Health at the University of Pennsylvania Museum in Philadelphia, found pottery jars that once contained a mixed fermented beverage of rice, honey and wild grapes or hawthorn tree fruit.
four words: "three day wonder mead". the wonder being that anyone would consume such a beverage that had had only three days to ferment. (something midevilists, experimenting with methods of reproducing those earliest of ancient mind altering substances)