I live for one thing, and for one thing only: ME. Yep thats right. Im a very multiple-faced person. Different people know me as a COMPLETELY different person than I am in other situations. There are rare occasions where I shock people with my behavior because it is so unlike the person they think I am. Ive come to realize also, that deep inside, everything I do, all the kind things, as well as the not so kind things, are all done to serve ME! I love my significant other, my family members, etc... They love me back. It might be strange to hear this from me, but I do beleive true love exists. But its a purely mutual beneficial phenomena. Does that depress me? Not in the least bit! People might describe the guy they look at when they see me as a quiet, calm, collected hermit. A completely harmless guy. Kind, can be generous. Donates to charity. Kind to children(though, if you read my posts on kids, you will know what I really think of them and how badly I dont want them), true to his significant other, obeys the law, works for a living, blah blah blah. People tend to think that a person who is completely "selfish" and "self-serving" is going to go out and do evil deeds all day, commit crimes, cheat on their significant other, kill their parents for life insurance policy, lie, burglarize, or become nasty dictators that rule the people with an iron hand. You know what??? A selfish person doesn't neccessarily want the exact same things another selfish person wants. You know how I get what I want? By loving my family, helping them out, being good to them. I get what I want be being honest, true, and dependable. I will never become a dictator, because I dont want to deal with all the fucking drama and stress involved in politics. I never cheat on my significant other, because its a sad and uncomfortable thought. Its not sad and uncomfortable that she would get me back, just the idea that I did it would be upsetting to myself. Some things are worth more to me than money. So killing my parents for the life insurance policy, even if its MILLIONS, or even an unlimited amount of money is not enough to push me to do such a thing. Anyway enough rambling you get the idea. Im selfish. If im nice to you, its because I want something in return. I may say "take 100 bucks, I hope things go well for you and your starving family" but in the end im looking for someone whose got my back when im in trouble. Along with praise as well, "wow, such a kind man! we all need to be like that!"
so whats the point? we are all selfish. I don't think its a merit, though. several times during your OP you touch on selfishness like that seemingly exhibited by banksters and political leaders... yep such people are also selfish, just better at it than you or me. Often from a prominent family, good education... some sort of base resource to expand on. strive to do right by your family, they are the only people who's opinion of you is worth shit in the end.
Yes Coleco, all it really means is you are older and dont have the energy for everyhing anymore, so even the selfishness is out of your control, youre not in charge of anything, tis all an illusion
I don't know... I don't think what you described is that different-giving or taking of a few degrees-as most people.
So let's say you and your S.O. are out on a camping trip deep in the wilderness. So a storm comes through, or some other b.s., and you're stranded there with no food. Does this mean that you hit her over the head with a rock and then say "sorry bitch, time to barbeque ya".
Nope, it means we both die. Because I don't want to eat her, I choose death over eating her. This isn't neccessarily because I am selfless though, I just dont want to eat her(I dont want to eat her flesh anyways...) and ill die before I do.
What if there was just enough food for one of you to survive. would you let her eat it or take it for yourself? Ok, lets say you were kidnapped by evil people who made you choose between receiving an electric shock yourself, or giving an electric shock to your S.O. Which would you choose?
I'd let her eat the food, and I'd take the electric shock for her. Because I want to be the manly hero. This is not really selfless, its wanting honor and glory.