You here all these terrible reports of this natural disaster going on latly, and how many people died. Its a terrible thing, so very sad, but do you hear a word about how many people have died in Iraq? Almost 3x more people!! Not one word of the dead Iraqis...its really sad. A natural disaster is one thing, while tragic, its natural nothing you can do about it. But there is someone behind this unnessasary war...makes me mad...
Really? The count of Iraqis dead? Well wow, for how close I am to you (michigan/ohio) I am surprised. Sure I hear the count of americans dead, but never the Iraqis
God, I still remember 9/11. I can remember how while I was at school, probably in grade 9, me and a couple of chums were debating which target the terrorists would attack next. We all agreed on the White House. Sorry, kinda irrevelant but still, it "ties" into the war. Well, not really, but it was Bush's (spits) excuse.
my opinion: what about all the americans dying of hungar and starvation? what about the american children not being properly educated, and the american seniors not getting enough health coverage? WHY CANT WE FIX OUR OWN COUNTRY BEFORE WE START FUCKING WITH EVERYONE ELSE'S!?!?!?!?!
because that would make sense and be easier on many levels. but the rich upper class wouldn't be AS rich, therefore.... and peacebabe, what grade are you in? i was in sixth grade when 9/11 happened, but unless you skipped multiple grades, there's no way you were in fifth. unless i'm retarded and you're talking about the war.
huh? Nooooo, I was in 5th grade when the towers were attacked sorry, ha, I cant think, remember this is like too early for me
But 9/11 was three years ago... and now you're in 7th grade. So 7-3 is 4. Wouldn't you have been in 4th grade?
it´s natural that theyre reporting about the are up to date. and sadly this has happend in the past days so they should be reporting it! and actually i heaqrd about dying iraquis in the news everyday!