Okay ladies, here it is. My name is Evan Lee Blesbutee and I'm a full time mum and lover of 2 husbands. I'm here to share with you, my views on what being a woman is all about! Since the dawn of time we have been there to support and provide anything and everything for our man – at his sole desire, – but I ask you all today: why should that change? Think about it, ladies. What are we without men? It is THEIR fertile sperm that allowed us to be born in the first place; it is THEIR rib that we were born from (to reference the bible); and it is THEIR money that they gain from working, that allows us to survive. Without men what are we? I'll tell you what, we are lost! Think about it, what do you have to life for, if not for another man (or two, in my case)? It is my belief that when they come home, we should have a nice warm pie laid out for them, for their enjoyment. A nice strong meal should also be made for them afterwards. Also, in the morning, it is my belief that we should have their clothes laid out nicely for them – need I say they must be ironed? – so that they can maximise their sleep time and get ready for work that much faster. It is these small things that make a marriage work! Well, these are just my views. Thoughts, ladies?
Iv'e Seen Some Pathetic Troll Threads On Here Over The Years, But This One Gets The 2014 Troll Of The Year Award And The Year Has Only Just Begun...:banghead: Cheers Glen.
Glen, I'm not 100% sure what exactly you're talking about, but I sense you're making fun of my views. If that is the case (and please correct me if I'm wrong), I really do not respect that, as I'm just posting my views and seeking the views of others. Thanks, - Evan
'Violated'? That really isn't the correct term. Each sexual encounter - with either of my husbands - is a privilege for me, and I enjoy every moment of his happiness and pleasure that he gains from my body. I would, except for the fact that you're not either one of my husbands.
It's Yet Another 15 Year Old Boy Deep In His Mom's Basement, Lets Just Humor Him For A While Till He Finds Something More Creative To Do With His Abundance Of Talent... Cheers Glen.
What are you doing posting on HF when you should be taking care of the small things that make a marriage work?
That's your first problem. You should one of many wives for one man, not the other way around. Make me a sammich and we'll go from there.