My mom has the virus I live with her please pray

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Jennifer19, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    Most of you know I have chronic respiratory failure because of my sever scoliosis my mom just tested positive for the virus I’ve lived with her I’m totally panicking
  2. Boozercruiser

    Boozercruiser Kenny Lifetime Supporter

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    I am so sorry to hear about this Jennifer and I can fully understand the way you are feeling.
    But please remember that only a very small percentage who test positive for covid go on to have a serious situation.

    Please help this lovely caring Lady and her lovely mother.

    scratcho and Jennifer19 like this.
  3. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    I have Collapse lungs that will never heal
  4. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    Thank you for the prayers
  5. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm hoping for the best outcome for you and your mom.:)
    MeAgain and Jennifer19 like this.
  6. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    ThNk you so much I’m so scared I just turned 38 yesterday
  7. Farmall

    Farmall Members

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    Sorry to hear this Jennifer,
    Praying for your mom’s quick recovery and that you can remain negative.
  8. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Happy belated birthday...
    Jennifer19 likes this.
  9. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    The biggest risk for both of you is a bacterial attack that can happen while your body is fighting any virus.
    Unless your doctor advises you otherwise, I would suggest 500mg of vitamin C to help support your immune system. After the first few days, drop to 60mg.
    Just get the inexpensive tablets from a department store, the only difference is that they do not have colouring and flavouring to make them taste better. The active ingredients are exactly the same.
    Also, drink plenty of water to keep your kidneys flushed, but again do not ignore any advice from your doctor.
    Should either of you suffer breathing difficulties or run a high fever, call your doctor IMMEDIATLY, since you may need powerful antibiotics and / or ventilation.

    Covid is not any more dangerous than any other new virus. The isolations and lockdowns are mainly to prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed due to the rate at which it is spreading.
    Farmall likes this.
  10. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    Thank you ☺️
  11. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    I have a ventilator I have too wear everynight Because I retain Carvin monoxide poisoning
  12. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    I will definitely listen to everything my doctor tells me I have nebulizers I also have to do daily
  13. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Carbon Monoxide is a horrible poison and it affects our immune development. It is not a chemical poison, it is simply that our lungs cannot differentiate CO from O2, due to similar molecular mass. Unfortunately lack of O2 causes a lot or damage to our brain cells
    That was why I mentioned that you should check with your doctor about vitamin C. I cannot see a problem with you taking it, but I may have overlooked something unique to your condition.

    Take care, Regards, Wills.
  14. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    Thank you I will call them
  15. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, vitamin C does not support your immune system generally. It may be helpful in certain cases, but it may also make things worse.

    The desire to try to help is admirable, but particularly because Jen has some serious health conditions, is on medication, and because Covid is potentially fatal, imho, any advice about what she should do should come directly from a professional. I appreciate though that you mentioned that she should ask her doctor first.

    If there is an actual study that suggests taking viatmin c in that dosage will prevent you from getting Covid, maybe Jen could mention that to her doctor.
  16. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    The human body absorbs approximately 30mg of ascorbic acid a day, but since any it is not stored, generally any surplus is pointless. We all know that deficiency can have serious consequences, from the cases of scurvy among sailors in the past. Chinese medicine was generally developed as cures for the people in China, where natural vitamin C is obtained naturally in everyday diet for most people, thus making additions at best pointless, but even they see its use in certain cases. Other than with serious overdose, I cannot see any potential harm.
    Like all viral infections, Covid is not a direct cause of death. However, it is the build-up of pathogenic bacteria, most commonly in the lungs that leads to pneumonia, septicaemia, causing low blood oxygen level to cause cardiac failure leading to death. The same can happen in the stomach, causing kidney failure that leads to poisoning of other vital organs.
    Caught in time, a combination of antibiotics, ventilation and the use of nebulisers can save patients with no serious pre existing medical conditions This is around 85%. This is the sole reason that great care must be taken not to overwhelm the hospitals. It is the reason for all the restrictions, but unfortunately it has not been clearly explained to the public.
    As I am sure that you know, my main work has been in cardio thoracic procedures, where ANY medication needs to be checked with the patients consultant. This is vital when the patient is receiving anticoagulants following surgery.
    This is why I stressed to Jen twice that she should have a word with her doctor even prior to taking vitamin C
    Their is no suggestion whatsoever that any vitamin will kill a virus, but a healthy immune system will always help, particularly in the bacterial stages that I explained above. That is the sole reason that I pointed it out to Jen. Prevention is always better than cure.

    Regarding shock dose vitamin C. (500mg for 3 days, followed by 60mg while the body readjusts) has always been the subject of controversy. Their is little doubt that it often works, but whether preventing common colds actually weakens the immune system regeneration is the controversial point. I am fairly certain that it is the subject of the doubts in China.
    One thing that I like, is the fact that mainstream doctors have respected far more alternative medicines over the last few decades.
  17. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Are you actually a licensed medical professional?
    Yes, and I think that's a good thing. Still, just because a treatment approach is alternative doesn't make it valid.

    Unless there's an actual study that shows that vitamin c will prevent Covid, I think this approach is not advisable, and could make things worse.
  18. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I am not a licenced surgeon. I studied both medicine and engineering at college, then went onto work on the later in the film industry, where you may already know from other of my posts, I specialised in sound and theatre architecture, I was chartered (MBKSTS) in 1981 and went on to refurbish 3 major London theatres during my period as the chief engineer of Odeon, I also ran the technical aspects for 14 royal premiers. When Odeon collapsed in 1991, I designed 3 new theatres, 2 were technical within film studios and the third was a public theatre in Richmond. Richard Attenborough funded the construction.
    However, in the period from 91 to 2000, recessions hit the film industry badly, so I went back to working in cardiology. I was employed by a research organisation at the start of TAVI (trans-catheter aortic valve implant), a procedure that also allows the pulmonary valve to de replaced and a torn mitral or tricuspid valve flap to be repaired with a clip. A tricuspid valve has never been clipped in the UK. The procedures started in Germany, so the UK had the advantage of starting after the teething problems had been largely resolved. The prognosis following the procedure was 5 years. Following the development of a second generation valve manufactured by Medtronics which resolved the early problems or the rejection material blocking the capillaries feeding arterial blood back to the heart muscles. It uses an expending cage to expand the aorta above the synthetic valve to open up the capillaries. The current prognosis is 30 years and the permanent cocktail or anticoagulants has been reduced down to 80mg of Aspirin per day.
    Modern medicine and surgery is now so complex that general doctors refer most problems to a specialist consultant. Diabetes is one of the few conditions that most GPs understand fairly well. In fact, consultants have a great fear of GPs interfering with the highly specific medication following almost all cardio thoracic surgery.
    Medicine as we knew it 30 years ago is very different today.
    No vitamins kill either bacteria or viruses. They simply support the bodies natural functions and immune systems.
    My concern with Jen was that following a viral attack, it is the buildup of pathogenic bacteria in the lungs that causes most deaths. She needs to avoid this situation at all costs. This is why I suggested discussing vitamin C with her SPECIALIST CONSULTANT, not her GP.
    I can't see how a low dose of vitamin C can do any harm, around 20mg is present in a fresh orange. However it frequently degrades in fruit imported into the UK. If you look at a bottle of Ribena, Ascorbic acid is added, since the natural acid is largely destroyed by the temperatures used during the bottling.
    The concept that vitamin C in the correct dosage can be harmful makes no sense to me. People living in Mediterranean countries obtain it from their diet and they tend to have a heathier body than we do in the west. The shock 500mg system at the onset of a cold seems to work for Jane and I, but we only use it once or twice a year. We also only take a 60mg dose if we are feeling under the weather and we have not been eating enough fresh fruit and vegetables. A small bottle of tablets lasts us a couple of years,

    Did you notice any of my comments to Joyce, She was boasting about taking 3.000mg of vitamin C every day. 50 times the bodies requirement. She was also eating Potassium tablets giving her a dose high enough to kill an elephant. A small bleed in her digestive system or a kidney malfunction could have put her into immediate cardiac arrest. I broke the rules, by telling her that it was the method used by Harold Shipman to kill around 100 of his patients.

    I forgot to mention that I drove a London ambulance for 2 years at a grade of A&E support. They kicked me out before I sat my paramedic exams because they had not realised that I was 3 years over their retirement age.
    Ajay0 likes this.
  19. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    Well my mom is doing my nebs you know her daughter who has chronic respiratory failure she on the couch doing my nebs not wearing a mask I hsve a mask on her health always comes before mine she is gonna kill me with her playing doctor
  20. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    I’m sorry but that is so selfish

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