My little Shadow

Discussion in 'Psychic' started by EmyleeShadow04, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. EmyleeShadow04

    EmyleeShadow04 Member

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    I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, so if it's not admins or mods feel free to move it.

    I'm going through a very confusing time right now. I'll start from the beginning.

    I have always had this very strong connection with animals. From the time I was a baby I have always been blessed to have one in my home. The day I was born, before my mother went into labor, a cat appeared on her doorstep and she took her in. A few hours later she went to the hospital and had me. After I was born that cat would not leave my side. She would go with us almost everywhere. My mom recalls the cat giving her a 'creepy' feeling because she was so... abnormal. And my mother is fascinated with this story, she tells it to me all the time.

    The cat stayed with us for several years. I think I was around 10 when she disappeared. And believe it or not, that very same day she turned up missing a bird got caught in our screen door. He had a broken wing so I took him in. That bird insisted on staying right with me. He was well in a few months, and I released him. The next morning he was on our porch waiting for me to get on this bus. I will never forget this bird. I cannot do this story justice. It's hard to put the feeling of it in words. When I got out of school he was there. Now, it could have been another bird, but I swear... I just KNOW that it was him. I just had the feeling. After I got off the bus, I found an abandoned kitten and took her to my mom. She told me I could keep her, and so I bottled fed her when I was home, and my mom, who just had quit her job believe it or not, now had the time to feed her while I was gone. The cat grew up with us, and we acquired several more cats, and various other animals, but none had that same vibe about them that Sam had about her. She was just.. so different from all the other cats. Then some unfortunate turns of events too place. My mother ended up in jail, and my siblings (I have 8) got put in foster care while I got sent to live with my dad. I spent several years with him, and did not have a single animal to live with me. I went into a deep depression, and had to see several therapists. I refused to go on any meds, and luckily I wasn't forced to take them. I was 13 when all of this took place. It wasn't until I turned 15 that I was finally allowed to have another pet. I researched and researched and found the perfect pet! I wanted a female sugar glider. I was put on a waiting list, and just couldn't wait to bring her home. I even had her name picked out, Rain. The breeder called me shortly after I had been put on the waiting list and told me that she had a male available that no one wanted. She wasn't even aware that she had him, but a few days ago he turned up. She told me that he looked too old to sell, and that he would need a lot of work because he was so angry and he bit. I wanted a female glider SO bad, but when I saw this little boy, he stole my heart. I took him home for only 50 dollars. The average price being around 300. Despite what the woman had told me, he didn't bite. He was SUCH a sweetheart. He gave me kisses and refused to be anywhere except in my shirt, where he actually is right now. He went, and still does, come with me everywhere. School, work, on walks. He never leaves me except when I go to sleep. I have had him a little over a year now. I named him Shadow, because that's what he was. He was my little shadow. Scared to death of any one except me, and never wanting to leave me.

    Now, to the whole point of this. And I apologize for this being so long. I just felt the need to give some feedback.

    A few months ago I started to have these dreams, but they weren't normal dreams. I would be in Shadow's cage, looking through his eyes. I would see as he did. I would dream that I was in his food dish fast asleep, and then wake with a start. I would look over at Shadow, and he would be in his food dish wide-awake staring back at me. Now, I know this sounds insane, I swear it's not. I told my step mom about this, and she wanted me to start counseling again.

    I also find myself to drift off in the middle of the day, and I start to smell things that aren't there, and feel things that aren't there. It's like I’m imagining being in another world, but I can smell and taste and feel and it's so real it scares me.

    Now, this is what really scares me. Shadow can be in his cage eating; the door wide open, and I'll want Shadow to come to me. He will stare at me for a few seconds and then run over and sit on my shoulder.

    Now.. Am I just ... trying to find something where there isn't anything at all? Do I really have this strange connection with animals, or am I just imaging it?

    I will post a picture of Shadow here for you guys to see him. I feel so connected with him. It creeps me out a little bit. Thanks so much to anyone who reads this, and anyone that is able to help.




  2. old_crone

    old_crone Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    May love be the connection that shows us we are one with all things.

    Hi Emylee

    Its not unusual to have a communication with animals that is special. Most never realize they have animal guides that will take on a living physical form from time to time to help us along our way.

    Because of the bond you formed with the physical closeness its not unusual for your friend to communicate telepathically with you.

    When we honor all our relations, we honor ourselves. Just do not get blown away by the wow factor. If more people opened themselves this way there would be a LOT less cruelity in this world.

    Ever watch that show on tv where one woman is a psychic pet communicater ( psychologist for wounded animals) She heals animals because she can communicate with them. Sometimes our abilities within ourselves shows us why we are here, and how we can make a difference. Without this awareness we are lost, and often confused which can lead to depression. Every step is a choice to become who, and what you helped to create yourself for.

    Believing in yourself is a beginning. Doing is the test. and loving is the key.
  3. misterrain

    misterrain Banned

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    Animals are really special. A beautiful white lab followed my sister home one day... and from the moment she entered our lives, she really helped bring everyone in my family together. She was always very kind, and never did anything aggressive or angry or anything like that.

    Ummm... maybe this sounds a little stupid, but could any of you psychics help me out with where she is now? I really want to know that she`s in a good place, and that she knows how much everyone loved her. Ummm... I don`t want to hijack this thread or anything, but I`d really like to know.
  4. old_crone

    old_crone Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Hi Misterrain

    I get the image of your friend running acrossed a field of clover, near a corn field with a smaller dog, about half her size. He is black, and white with floppy ears. They seem to know each other as friends, and long time companions. Some times its just the dreams they share, and other times its as one they run.

    Animal guides that are also shapeshifters into our awareness that we are not alone. Doing just fine where ever the need, friendships, and lessons take them.
    she knows she is not forgotten.

    She also loved her dreams, and wanted you to know you she is aware when your family sometimes walks with her in love, and reamemberances.
  5. misterrain

    misterrain Banned

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    Thank you so much, ma`am.
  6. Keramptha

    Keramptha Senior Member

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    animals have thoughts, and so do we...they have feelings and tthey love themselves too...

    i spent a few months in ireland recently and this ans dog had puppies, evrynow and agin id look after them , and i got a bond with the mother, id know what she wanyted exactly when ...if it was the toilet, food, a blanket, water... basically, it just came into my head...and it was always right...

    i think thats so beautiful you have this pet...and wonderful that you have such a depp connetion!! -

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