When you have anxiety based negative daydreams, you can't really be happy. I'm not miserable though, just neutral. I accept my condition and that eases it. I'm "content" with that. I'm okay. But now my life is pointless. My life purpose was "to enjoy it" or "be happy." Now I don't have a life purpose. I don't know why I do things. Sometimes I just sit there.
Here's a nice little animated movie by Harry Nilsson, Dustin Hoffman, and (later) Ringo Starr called The Point..... The point of The Point, is that you don't need to have a point...to have a point. http://youtu.be/l2a-_dvxtN0 Full version on You Tube.
That sounds like a form of meditation. The road of self-discovery you seem to be on seems parallel to things that Buddha wrote about. Living things that are truly Zen, such as little children and animals, know how to be happy without constantly working toward a goal or purpose. Adults usually try hard to forget everything we ever knew about that, and we have to intentionally rediscover it, or remain lost in Western thought.
Having a purpose is the easiest thing in the world. You don't have to do anything. People will see you sitting there and be like, "What a worthless prick," but you can't lose yourself in other people's perspectives. Really you are always beaming out radiant energy into the universe, and the more you realize this the more pure the energy becomes. And the more you realize this, the less you try to do amazing things, so you just sit there like a vegetable radiating out peaceful energy into the universe.
Sounds like you do have a life’s purpose ‘To be miserable’ Express your inner curmudgeon and be the person you are, not the person you always wanted to be Hotwater
I try to keep things simple. Perhaps it could work for you. Why do we work? To have money for survival and leisure. Why do we travel? To see and enjoy different things than what we have home. Why to do sports? For the endorphins and for health, and to look more beautiful. Why sex? For the orgasm. And so on. Instead of a big purpose in life, just little pleasures, bits of motivation. I'm not saying it solves all problems.