As a young man who has lived a life that I do not feel any form of depression or regret for having lived. For a lot of people the story may sound like a fairy tale or imaginary but I swear on a oath to not only myself but this entire community I am here to tell you the story of my life through my eyes and as a way to make a point or to describe something I may use different ways for ways of descriptions especially when it comes to emotions. Lol hard for me to this day to let them out haha. And everything in here is in no way to be taken as a sign or as a meaning of hatred toward anyone or anything, but just simply how I saw things and felt things and if I have changed my view on a particular topic I will acknowledge that but I must say if you do become offended by anyrhing that is said in this bibliography type project I am doing,then as I am taking the time to ask you here please dont be affriad to express your views but please please please dont be the start of an argument that I am ensuring now was never an intention my. This is to be a conversation or maybe lesson peice that I feel is worth taking the time to share for. Well can't wait to start sharing about this it's been a lot to hide bottled up. Well let's start this crazy ride.(btw check my page for daily updates on life day to day!!