I wrote a couple of novels and feel that one could be popular, but haven't. been able to find a Publisher who will accept it since it ran in installments in an online magazine. Does anyone out there know of a Publisher willing to overlook. this obstacle?
Find out how Dickens did it. He had all his stories published as installments in magazines back in the 1800's yet still managed to end up with them all being published as complete novels, so we know it's possible, the next thing is to find out how. Just so you know, I'm also looking for either an agent or a publisher for a novel I've written, but after reading the stuff I've read here about publishing I'm becoming disheartened. I could always put it up on Amazon Createspace, but I'd rather not do that if I can help it. It would cost me nothing to publish it that way, but the chances of anyone wanting to buy it in order to read it are minimal. It's exposure that's the hard bit. How do you get exposure for something you've written unless someone (you?) can bring it to the attention of the masses. That's where publishers come in. It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation. You can't sell something that no-one knows about and no-one will get to know about it unless you or someone else advertises it. That costs money, and if you're a penniless author then you don't have the money to spend, so your novel sits on your computer or in a drawer as a manuscript, unread. I recently priced up the cost of having my manuscript professionally assessed/edited. The cost was around £800! I'm retired and living on my state pension, and that's more than a month's pension for me, so I've had to give up on that idea. Instead I'll have to join any writer's forums I can find, and then post up a chapter or two in order to get some feedback, and then edit or rewrite various bits myself until the whole thing seems reasonable to me. After that I'll have to use something like 'Authors Publishing' (an online listing I get every month which lists which publishers accept what and from whom) to try to find someone to even have a look at what I've written. Best of luck!
I just about manage to publish on this forum Angel! As BJ says best of luck with that, but it doesn’t sound an easy task.
It's not, but I'm working on it, sending out queries every week. If I could afford an agent, it would be easier. Know any agents, Brother?