makes me HATE upper class white people...not to say i didnt hate them before, but with a new passion.
its the watching white people spend a thousand dollers in one day on a ski weekend...i work in a ski rental shop. i rent out sking and snowboarding equipment. plus, this year im a suporvisor over 15-27 year olds(some of which are close firends, and i dont like bossing around people ive known all my life). watching people throwing money around like water makes me ill. almost all of them are upperlass white people, an i dispise them. i watch them scream at thier kids for being 5 years old and playing like children. most of these people shouldnt be allowed to breed. right up there with true hillbillies except with money and a "refined" demeanor. good thing im quitting my job in a month an a half or so. who is that woman you ask???? hehe, wouldnt you like to know...
wow..i'm kinda disgusted...don't STEROTYPE people...all upper middle class white people are not that entire family is upper middle class white americans..and they are fabulous..and i strive to be an upper middle class american someday...i hope someday i've worked so hard that i have alot of money to buy the things that i've always wanted...hard work shall pay off..but i will not be the way u described...we shouldn't label all people as a certain's an individual thing..i don't doubt that the people u see are ass holes..but..come on..all wealthy white folk u hate? u lie right?
Not all rich people are morons...and not all morons are rich people. There are a lot of poor people who are really, really awful. And a lot of rich people who are nice.
I wouldnt mind a sugar momma, a girl who wants me just for my body and buys me stuff. Fate is so cruel, women hate that things are this way, i dream of being used for my body and spoiled.