My introduction

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by I_H8_U, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. I_H8_U

    I_H8_U Guest

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    Hello hipforums. [​IMG]

    This post is to tell you a bit about me, what kind of individual I am, it is also my first post here, in many to come, I hope.

    I am looking for a place on the internet to talk to others, and post about my interests. First, my personality. My nickname I_H8_U stands for "I hate you" and it is more than likely correct with the most people I meet. I just can't seem to like anybody in particular, or enjoy their company. If I don't like you, I will let you know; if I disagree, I will let you know. I do not plan to be rude to anybody, but often people are offended by my behavior. I am a mix of openmindedness and stubbornness. I am willing to discuss anything, but I have a very strong sense of being above others. One thing I will never do is discriminate you. Your words is all that matters to me.

    My interests include:

    • Taking long lone walks in the city, often ending up in unknown districts. The smell of a flower in a garden or some food being cooked fascinates me. These remind me in a way my younger self which was much happier.
    • Exercising, especially the pull up bar and running. I exercise 2-3 times a week, one day spent for my upper body, one for my core (the stomach area), and one day running.
    • I like eating healthy and I avoid sugars and junk food by nature. I don't cook much, but I have a few nice recipes I can share with you all if you want to. Beware: My recipies are not for amateurs! You have to be willing to spend a lot of time to get things done right!
    • Music, movies and art in general. I always appreciate the good stuff. I listen to lots of music, from hiphop to classical to blues to ethnic. I hate labelling music with genres, and I've never bothered learning them, so if you want to know more, you have to ask me about the sort of people I listen to. Right now tho, I listen to Moby! As for movies, I don't like new movies that much. I like older cinema and foreign cinema.
    • I like reading books. I've read quite a few books in my short lifespan, so you can ask me about that. I usually don't like popular books/authors (Stephen King and the likes).
    • I spend a lot of time on the computer. I am very knowledgeable on computers but I don't like talking much about them. It still is something about me, so I list it here.
    • I like science and I am agnostic in religion.
    • I like sex and I'm not getting enough of it! I don't care about age (legal of course) or looks, I can handle anybody. I don't care how to call myself (straight/gay/bi or anything else that is in that spectrum).
    • Learning! I am very smart and I like to learn new things every day.
    I am very concentrated on my studies and I am a very lonely person. I do not drink alcohol and I do not do drugs except smoking weed every now and then, whenever I feel that I can sit back and relax. (maybe once a month or less). I don't like smoking weed, I'd much rather eat it, because it's much more healthy to consume it that way. Alas, cooking marijuna smells a lot. You know what I mean ;)

    That's all about me. I hope I'll get to talk to some interesting people here. I hope this community does not reject me.
  2. BeachBall

    BeachBall Nosey old moo

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    This community won't reject you, hun ... but we do ask that you try to love us, rather than hate us.

    The transformation from one to the other has to start with you.
  3. Mixed-Peppers

    Mixed-Peppers Member

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    Sends a welcome smile. Thanks for the intro.

    Happy you choose to be part of this community.

    May you enjoy your experience here.

    I liked your many interests and look forward to getting to know you.
  4. Mixed-Peppers

    Mixed-Peppers Member

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