Hi yawl, I'm an out-of-the-box thinking, spiritual, as well as mindful, young at soul; (my body, on the other hand, has failed to get with that sentiment); country girl, from North Carolina; which is a state located on the southern-east coast of the old red, white, and blue, better known as the self-proclaimed “freedom fighters; (when it benefits them, US of A). GOD; (as I choose to call the creator of everything); in all his divine greatness, chose for me to encounter this world, as a beautiful (if you do not believe it, then no one will); black woman (which in all honesty, I’ve had no life-altering traumatic experiences related to my race, this being black thing has truly been working for me, and I'm okay with that; so far so good); who is also confident with her inner strength; (at least I tell myself that); who is well preserved, (In all honesty, no complaints, this being black has truly been working for me, and I'm okay with that; so far so good. I love all things of this world in their special way (out of shit comes flowers), meaning I try to see the Creator in everyone, and everything around me. I try to have an open mind; believing there is a reason why we all do what it is we do. I'm also capable of saying just about anything, to anybody, at any time; (In high school my nickname was Random); if that gives you any clue as to my capabilities on thinking it before you say it. I try to treat everyone in the way that I would want to be treated. I may be offensive to some with my questions, but not in a malicious way. My motto in everything as follows; "you won’t know anything about anything if you never seek an answer, and it is even better when that answer is beneficial towards your curiosity and your nosey self-indulgence and need to obtain said information, to begin with. If one were to say that it was none of my business, I will respectfully respect their unwellness to share as one of their GOD given options of chose. In truth, I’ll most likely ask repeatedly again and again, but in different forms; after which time they usually comply). My grandpa uses to say, “It's more than one way to skin a hog” lol. The knowledge that I have received over these years on earth, has led me to the belief that most people are understanding of my quirkiness and isn't too taken aback. I'm really and truly quick to love in action and eager for the absorption of all things science. People in general intrigue and fascinate me, based on their behavior, which is probably why I'm currently receiving my master’s in behavior analysis. This is the introduction of me, in a nut shell Mekia
No, I only joined in April. But I love your views on life. Do a thread. Do you need a link for the right place?
I didn't want to be rude, but on the other side of the laptop I was thinking, here goes the first weirdo. Sorry for the quick judgment. Lol, You are still spelling it wrong, it is M-E-K-I-A, you made me go back thinking did I write it wrong lol, mistakes happen. Nice to meet you Glen
I can't wait until I get home to really dive into these with more intensity (I just received a dirty look from my son, no phones at the table; family rule) thanks so much friend