my insane friend... or feind?

Discussion in 'People' started by forest_pixie84, Aug 26, 2005.

  1. forest_pixie84

    forest_pixie84 Senior Member

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    This girl I've known for a while wants to hang out tonight, but I don't know. Sometimes she's okay, like ocassionally she'll do nice things for me like when she wants to go out to a resteraunt, she'll buy my food cause I'm broke. But otherwise all she likes to do is talk about herself and some guy friends of hers (whether I know them or not). Well, although that can get pretty mind numbing, I can understand how she might need someone to talk to also. Plus sometimes she can be mean, for example: once we were walking around outside at a festival and I was holding this flower, well it must have upset her because she snatched it out of my hands, tore it up, and said I looked like a hippy freak... (that obviously still bothers me)

    I don't know how to feel, what should I do?
  2. rosyposies

    rosyposies Member

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  3. forest_pixie84

    forest_pixie84 Senior Member

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    plus right now she's like the only person I hang with. I'm usually stuck at home with the exception of when my dad drives me back and forth to the college (I don't have a license). Please be serious, I just don't know how to deal with this, I can't takl too her about it cause she'll probably just shrug it off to nothing and start talking about something else.
  4. Bassist

    Bassist Gate crasher!

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    I don't think she really respects who you are as a person. If all she ever talk about is something you find boring or indifferent to you, there's a problem. I cannot honestly fathom why she, as a friend, insulted you and called you a freak without a hint of it being a joke.

    I wouldn't want to hang out with someone like that. Find some new friends...easier said than done, I know...but it'll be worth it. Or you could just talk to this friend and explain your feelings.
  5. forest_pixie84

    forest_pixie84 Senior Member

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    thanks for taking the time guy :) i appreciate it
  6. forest_pixie84

    forest_pixie84 Senior Member

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    OMG! the clincher! I forgot! she really doesn't respect me as a person because I remember her saying that If I wasn't "hot" she wouldn't hang out with me! (She's not a lesbian or anything though) I hate that I let this go on?! *sigh*
  7. gdhmomchild

    gdhmomchild Duct tape abuser

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    This is a chick that is buying your friendship by driving and paying for you on occations, and she is all about how she appears to others. She couldn't be seen with someone not of a particular caliber. I would get a bicycle and dump this person.

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