I was lighting up my cigarette from the cooker and the front part of my hair got fired and turned into white. What happened to my hair? Front part of my hair turned into white because of the fire of the cooker.
Well smoking cigarettes is dangerous to your health, see? It may grow back normal, but maybe not, time will tell.
I used to smoke pot/had long hair... It was windy this one time, and I tried to light a pipe or something... The wind and fire burnt my hair! LOL I am between two friends in the middle of the page there. You can't see me, but you can see that I had long hair. I think it was some time later that my hair burnt - it was longer...
I must admit, that I really do not understand the science behind this one. But, for your own safety, stick to using in the future. They're not at all expensive, many restaurants and companies even hand out promotional ones for free. Or, you know, quit smoking?