My god you are liars

Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by BoyTheo, May 10, 2004.

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  1. feministhippy

    feministhippy Member

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    This is the funniest thing I've ever read. This guy is such a pathetic loser, he has nothing better to do than to piss people off. Trolls are fun, aren't they?
  2. Maggie Sugar

    Maggie Sugar Senior Member

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    Few womyn think like this, in fact, I would think more men THINK womyn think like this than there are womyn who actually do. I don't know many womyn who think all men are the "enemy." In fact, womyn are less likely to vote for a womyn, just because she is a womyn than blacks are to vote for a black person, just because they are a black person. Womyn are also less likely to vote for a womyn just because she is a womyn than men are less likely to vote for a womyn just because she is a womyn. My FIL has made it very clear, he will never vote for a womyn for public office. I, as well as many womyn, don't just vote for a womyn because of her gender. Most of us vote on the issues and on the individual. But there are men who won't vote for a womyn (or work for one) just because she has a vagina instead of a penis.

    Most womyn do NOT have "group think" as an entire homogenous group. There are too many variables which separate us, and most womyn realize this.
  3. Smudge

    Smudge Member

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    Men- who think like the little boy who started this thread- grow up and become like my husband...he knows...I know...we (men and women) need each other in every way...

    We are both mankind...not one better than the other...

    (Still love Helen Reddy's 'I Am Woman'..but listen to the words...

    ''I am woman watch me grow
    See me standing toe to toe
    As I spread my lovin' arms across the land
    But I'm still an embryo
    With a long long way to go
    Until I make my brother understand'')
  4. Nefaereti

    Nefaereti Member

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    Kind of OT, kind of on topic, whatever, here goes: Although what BoyTheo said is a VERY VERY gross exaggeration...and doesn't take into account the ever-growing amount of women in the workplace..and the fact that a true "feminist", if you like to use the term, would not allow herself to "take the easy way out" and live off anyone's money, including a man's...AND the fact that, even in the traditional family dynamic, a woman's burden can be a heavy one, with housework, cooking, childcare, etc (trust me, I've been there), there is a double standard no one seems willing to address.
    I work about a 50 hour week from home as an administrative assistant. My live-in boyfriend has taken on the role of homemaker as his job, rather than having a paying job. He does all of the cleaning, cooking, etc. and having done it myself, I know the value of this work and appreciate it enormously (I hated doing all of the above, and am so grateful he is willing and able to do it...He works damn hard)...but most people who know this fact will either think he's whipped or a "pussy" for doing women's work (mostly the guys) or think he's a "mooch" because I earn the money in our house (mostly the women.) Now, when I did the same, with the exception of my ex's family, I heard little criticism...Why is this?
    Back on topic: Don't generalize on this. Not every woman feels "entitled" to a man's money...and the fact that women want equal pay reflect that. I just wanna do my job, and get paid as much as the guy next to me...not live off his money. (And before you ask...I was always the "moron" who insisted on paying half the time when I was single and dating...It's only fair...and no, I didn't feel entitled to anything if I paid :) )
    *Steps off soapbox* I'm done.
  5. sweetdeviant

    sweetdeviant Member

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    since i've been a stay-at-home mom (with a part-time job) for 12 years and i've definately had this life. honestly, it's a great and wonderful. taking care of the man, the kids, the household, the yard, shopping and spending (in budget) for things for everyone. helping everyone get ready, be prepared, clean, fed, clothed. it's busy and fullfilling. it's not as hard as climbing the corporate ladder, which i attempted for 12 years before kids, but it's just as busy if she's doing it right.

    today (and always), this life IS luxurious, even if it's in an apt. with one car, where a daily outing for fresh air and groceries is pushing a stroller with baby to the local store.
  6. sweetdeviant

    sweetdeviant Member

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    the spelling change of the world woMEN to woMYN is offensive. do woMYN hate men so much that they have to remove the word MEN from the beautiful word WOMEN or WOMAN.
  7. sarahrei

    sarahrei ~Lover~

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    Stop with the necro posts of threads that were stupid and hurtful 4 YEARS AGO
  8. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Please don't resurrect threads that are this old.
    Many of the posters are no longer here.
    this one's closed.
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