My girlfriend may be on drugs

Discussion in 'Other Drugs' started by Panda99, Feb 15, 2020.

  1. Panda99

    Panda99 Members

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    For the past three months she been missing lot of work complaining of headache and being tired. She is coming home 4 hours after work some times even more where is she going after work and what is she doing. She going to her friends house a lot and on the weaken spending most of the day there. She going to the bathroom every hour or two!! Not flushing the toilet!! No idea what she is doing in the bathroom.

    For the past two months every time she comes back from her friends house she has cold!!

    And for the past month complaining of headache, coughing and nose plugged and sniffing a lot. She is running to the bathroom every 15 minutes to 20 minutes.

    When she comes back from the bathroom she seems like some one given her pain killer!! She very calm, relaxed, kinda drowsy but not really sleepy just drowsy, really hot and slow like and calm and relaxed. Than 15 minutes to 20 minutes later she will say oh and run to the bathroom.

    One day her cold like problem was very bad and was very sick like but than after going to the bathroom a number of times it like her cold was almost gone and she never was sick.

    I'm not sure if she is snorting cocaine or taking some type of pills or snorting pills.

    Does this sound like cocaine or some type of pills she on like pain killers, muscle relaxers or ecstasy or some thing.
    DrRainbow likes this.

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Why Not Ask Her Face To Face.....????.....Seems The Better Way To Go.......:confused2:

    Cheers Glen.
    Eric!, Mustard Tiger and mysticblu21 like this.
  3. JoeAlvon

    JoeAlvon Members

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    Something is obviously wrong. I suggest you gently and patiently talk to her about your concerns. Easier said than done I know, but if she has an issue with drugs, it's critical that she address it now - she will likely benefit from your help and love to overcome any addiction she might have.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  4. Panda99

    Panda99 Members

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    When other people here are sick do they go to bathroom that many times? I kinda don't want to come across rude to her saying are you on drugs when she is not.

    But does this sound like she is on drug binge or dealing with drug come down?

    I'm not sure what the come down or withdraws are for cocaine.
  5. Sounds more like crack to me, but the smell is not easy to hide. But it's used with great frequency because it wears off really fast. When you notice stuff missing from the house, easily pawned stuff like TVs and tablets, there could be a problem. One thing is for certain, walking on eggshells isn't working.
    Eric! likes this.
  6. Panda99

    Panda99 Members

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    Well the thing is the bathroom does not smell and she does not smell. So if she was smoking crack or smoking meth the bathroom and her would smell. I think she must be snorting or taking pills.
  7. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Ask her if she's sick, and needs to see a doctor. If she gets offensive, you may have a problem. If she is sick she may need to see a doctor. early detection is always good.
    Eric! likes this.
  8. FritzDaKatx2

    FritzDaKatx2 Vinegar Taster

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    A favorite quote of mine from an old movie later snipped into a Ministry song, "Never trust a Junkie".
    Asking someone if they're on drugs is a lot like asking a Weatherman what the weather will be, they'll tell you all sorts of things but whether or not it will really rain is one of those things you'll just have to wait and see,, OR,,,

    American Screening Corporation, Inc.

    (Maybe shop around and you can find one that at least looks like a pregnancy test.)
  9. Panda99

    Panda99 Members

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    Like I say there is no track marks on her and the bathroom does not smell and her and her clothes do not smell so she not smoking meth or smoking crack.

    Does this sound like she is snorting cocaine , snorting some other drug or taking pills?

    And what is this oh or shit she is saying and run to the bathroom and come back and seem like some one given her pain killer being very calm, relaxed, kinda drowsy.

    Before she runs to bathroom her body expressions is like I got to go. Why every 15 minutes to 20 minutes going to the bathroom.

    I feel like she is faking the cold but is really binge on drugs or it is come down of drug binge and she taking drugs every 15 minutes to 20 minutes to stop the come down.
  10. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    you know what dude? I hate to say this, but it's true... I would dump her. Sorry. It's not personal, y'know? Just not cool.

    Not because of the drugs, but... I mean if that were it she could just share. It's probably weird because of something else. But if it's weird like you're saying, I would break up.
  11. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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    Does she ever take her phone with her?
  12. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    check her pupils brother...if they are tiny then she is snorting opiates in the bathroom.....oxy snorters can hide almost everything but they cannot hide the pinhole pupils...……fentanyl will make one appear drowsy right after money is on opiates

    having said this….dump her ass fast and get on with your life

    why ask this dumb question?....lots of women take their phones in the can
  13. Panda99

    Panda99 Members

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    Is it common for people who go to the bathroom every 15-20 min to snort heroin or some other kind of pain killer?

    I think she is doing small amount trying to get high but trying not to get too high that it would be dead give away.

    Lots of the people I see on pain killers or on heroin on the street are nodding off on it. And she not doing that around me. Just really very calm, relaxed, kinda drowsy but awake.
  14. Panda99

    Panda99 Members

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    The fact she is not not talkative,loud, hyper, moving around in her seat, always moving, pacing back and forth, full of energy, talking non stop, confident or aggressive does not sound like meth or cocaine.

    Why I think may be she is snorting pain killers or snorting heroin.
  15. Gul Dukat

    Gul Dukat Kanar, anyone?

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    She goes to the bathroom every 15-20 minutes... seems like she has a cold... no smell.

    Your girl likes coke. Not everyone gets super chatty with coke and pain killers wouldn’t require such frequent trips to the bathroom.

    Or maybe has a medical issue.

    I don’t get why you’re here and not just talking to her about it.
    Eric! and eggsprog like this.
  16. Panda99

    Panda99 Members

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    So you think she is faking the I have cold so she can go to the bathroom a lot and get high or do you think she is dealing with come down from drug binge and that is why she running to the bathroom a lot to get high from drug binge she was on.

    I also think she getting high but not high enough to give off red flags that she is really high. So most people when they get gram of cocaine can do 10 lines and she may be making the lines smaller not to get to high enough it will give away that she is high and so it really 20 lines she doing over time period of the day.

    So she could be taking smaller amounts going through gram every day or two days to make it last longer and not get to high to give off red flags that she is high.

    When she comes back from friends house she could be taking lots there and that is why she is complaining of headache, coughing and nose plugged and sniffing a lot.

    I'm not sure where the very calm and relaxed come into play here has that is not typical of cocaine. Unless she feels so shitty going through the come down by getting high that where the calm and relaxed come into play.

    So may be what is happening the come down is so bad that is where she is saying oh or shit and she takes of and her expressions I really got to go she cannot deal with come down. And when she comes back feels better for the 15 minutes to 20 minutes than she is feeling really shitty again and it starts over.

    Like I say I don't know if it drug binge she is doing and after it or it is the come down.

    Again not sure why the very calm, relaxed, kinda of drowsy like when she runs to the bathroom a lot and ask me to open the window because she is hot.

    Does cocaine make you hot?
  17. Gul Dukat

    Gul Dukat Kanar, anyone?

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    I thought she was symptomatic of a cold, like a runny nose or something - I misunderstood.

    But yes coke can make one feel warm and maybe sweaty.
  18. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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    Firstly... What business of your's is anything that I say to anyone on this website? Secondly... Having to explain myself to you on a thread about junkies makes me sick!
    Grand prix likes this.
  19. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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    Stop trying to abuse me on this website!
  20. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    maybe you don't understand how a forum works?....people reply to things other people say...if you get quoted more than once by the same person just means you are being read....which is the point....these threads are not private and your lame question warranted a reply

    just saying this is a thread about junkies shows you are not informed and lack knowledge on the subject

    unless of course you think this woman is taking her phone into the bathroom because she is addicted to candy crush? lol
    ZenKarma and DrRainbow like this.

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