my first real shroom trip

Discussion in 'Magic Mushrooms' started by Mr.Writer, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. Chunky Charcoal

    Chunky Charcoal Member

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    Thank you Mr. Writer, your trip reports are always amazing :)

    my EXACT sentiments on shrooms, well put :D
  2. Jim_Morrison_Reincarnate

    Jim_Morrison_Reincarnate Member

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    I just tripped on mushies two days ago(even though i swore i wouldn't again lol) 2.5 g's and was trippin balls. Bruce Springstein was playin and I closed my eyes and i saw this yellow background with clear bubbles(kinda like bubble wrap) and super imposed ontop of that were faces of people from all these different races, extinct races, and future races yet to be birthed. It was quite an intense experience. Downside is i got freaked and left the party i was at, drove to a verizon store and watched this tv show on History Channel about Abe Lincoln doing satanic rituals or sum shit. Really weird. But i found acid that day as well so i'm happy. haha
  3. Funkateer

    Funkateer To swing on the spiral

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    Dude I had a mushie trip like that once!
    IT was the single weirdest experience ever.
    I at like a half o at an outdoor rave in the winter time...
    Well my friends were cold so we went back to one of their house's.
    In the car I started to have these weird visions. where I was switching from a "movie" inside my head to waking life. That lifted a bit and we made it back to the house. We started listening to the white album by the beatles and I went into a trance during the song wild honey pie. I could see things about the people I was with inside of my head telling them things from their past etc. I could hardly remember any of the things said afterwards. However they were things I had not known them for as I had only known these people two years. They started freaking out about it thinking I was something crazy. All the while I am having visions of the apocalypse at this point in my head. I saw a vision of people turning against each other in the streets. Killing, stealing, and society thrust into complete darkness At this point I am writhing in agony on the floor but as I was moving I could see my self and the movements I was making fit so well like puzzle pieces into the situation. I said that the end of the world would come from Zion, that it was not what most people thought it would be. At this point I got up and climbed into the lit fire place. At which point my friends pulled me out. I literally got in head first and had no burn marks any where not a hair on my head singed.
    I realized the ultra power that is mushies at this point :D
  4. Euphorial

    Euphorial Member

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    Dude... I feel the same way! Maybe one day I'll feel ready to use a strong psychedelic, but for now I know that it's not the right time for me. I feel that's why opiates work so well for me.


    btw that was a WONDERFUL trip report! Very emotional man... well written.
  5. burnabowl

    burnabowl Dancing Tree

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    good tale. I have some weird immunity to shrooms. I had a couple quasi-spiritual shroom trips a few years ago but now they don't have much effect on me. Recently I took 7 g's of some cubes which made another kid trip mad off 3 g's, but it was only an ego-stretching experience for me, nothing close to the intensity and epicness I undergo on cid. next time I find booms Ima combine them I think.
  6. Feelings Of U4ia

    Feelings Of U4ia Senior Member

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    Does Lemon Juice really have any effect on Shrooms or LSD? I don't understand the logic behind sounds like the same myth as Orange Juice....

  7. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    Yeah except with lemon juice the thought is that the psilocybin is broken down into psilocin quicker because it has sat in ph -4 liquid for 15 minutes. Nothing to do with the vitamin c content, just the acidic properties of raw lemon/lime juice.

    the onset alone proved to me it works
  8. DroneLore

    DroneLore h8rs gon h8, I stay based

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    I think I will be lemon tekking this weekend.
  9. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    Good luck! Don't buy lemon juice, just buy 2 lemons and squeeze them into a glass enough to cover your crushed up shrooms, wait 15 minutes, then use a spoon and eat it like a soup (the shroom bits get stuck on the side of the glass and hard to just shoot back like a shot)
  10. fezzappa

    fezzappa Member

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    i used to do the 70's blotter and the 2 best i did were windowpane and sunshine....i only got to do mushrooms once and they werent that good.....i have not been able to find them in my area....guess i got to look harder.....

    and yes,thanks for this great report on your experience...awesome writing
  11. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    i'd say to use a short glass. then fill it up with water to get the last few bits.

    eating it like soup just sounds very gross, haha
  12. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    gross for you, for me they taste like chocolatey paper. plus i know what i'm about to experience, so they are the most sacred cornucopia of taste that exists ;)
  13. introspectre

    introspectre Member

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    Shrooms taste like god

    With the texture of stale popcorn
  14. pushit

    pushit One jive Motha Fucka

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    I hate normal mushrooms, the taste isn't bad but the texture makes me want to puke. I assume trippy shrooms have the same taste and texture as legal ones?
  15. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    'trippy' mushrooms are usually eaten dried out. so the texture is dry and absorbent, and sticks the the insides of your mouth.
    and the taste is much worse than normal, edible mushrooms.

    it isn't THAT bad, but it definitely isn't GOOD either.:cheers2:
  16. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    Yes, except for the very important fact that you are eating them DRY. They lose that gross, wobbly texture and 90% of their taste. Dried cubes taste and feel like eating soft sticks of old chocolate, it's really not gross at all.
  17. pushit

    pushit One jive Motha Fucka

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    If it is exactly like that then I probably could eat them, I can just imagine biting down and puking... I'd get them down eventually, vomit coated or not.
  18. Chunky Charcoal

    Chunky Charcoal Member

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    the taste is actually not too bad... not too good but not too bad. kinda like wood.

    the taste is better than the smell...:ack2:

    it's worth it though, i don't see why the taste is such an issue in the first place considering the experience that follows.
  19. pr0ne420

    pr0ne420 Senior Member

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    Hehehe I loooove mushrooms. Good report! I call the body high organic dope. So you know what species they were?
  20. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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