I am a 22 year old female who has recently become a vegetarian about 2 months ago. I used to be a vegetarian for almost all of high school but fell off for reasons I don't remember. Since I have become vegetarian I have been loosing weight. I get that this is semi normal, but it is a huge problem for me because in college I struggled with and was hospitalized for anorexia. My parents know this and my mother keeps commenting on my weight and saying I look too skinny and that she is worried. In the past year I have become so much more comfortable with my body and achieved a pretty normal weight. I finally feel great about my looks, I even stopped wearing make-up and stopped shaving so I can enjoy seeing myself the way nature made me. I also do yoga classes a few times a week to keep my mind and body healthy. The point is I know that I am getting too skinny, I am 5' 4" and weighed about 98 pounds last time I checked at the gym about 9 months ago. We don't keep scales in the house, for obvious reasons, but I would guess that now I am about 95 pounds, maybe a pound or two less at most. My mom thinks that I have become vegetarian as an excuse to loose weight and that I am sick again. What should I do? I am not sick, I just love animals and do not want to eat meat. I actually like eating more as a vegetarian knowing that I am helping save the lives of animals! I am afraid to ask some of my fellow vegetarian friends for advice because none of them know too much about my sickness. I guess I am looking for a way to maintain a healthy weight.
yeah. .eat more protein! there are vegan protein shakes around.. and try to exercise to build some muscle. and eat more carbs and build some fat. Its good for your looks. Makes you more.... round a little bit of fat goes a long way! Do not be afraid. Ask your doctor and ask what your weigh should be and try to aim for that.
Well, in reality, many people with eating disorders do pick up the veg banner because it is a socially ok restriction. It simply feeds the ED. So look long and hard at that. Is this one more way to control with food? I've been 98 lbs. I'm 5-2, so I have a good idea of what that is. Good fats are your friends.
Anyone who thinks a vegetarian diet is causing them to lose weight is fooling themselves.. There's gobs of high calorie selections from plant sources. Hell most of the stuff that is creating all the obesity we got going on in this country is still perfectly ok for someone adhereing to the vegetarian diet. Think about it, what does cane sugar come from???? What about corn syrup? Hydrogenated "vegetable" oils? Taking meat out of your diet isnt going to make a damn bit of difference to your overall health or your weight if your still eating all that junk. If your anorexic the problem is you wont eat, for whatever reason. Maybe your ill and your appetite is horrible. Either that or your more afraid of gaining weight than you are of dying or stepping off the curb and breaking your leg due to brittle bones.
I can't really see how that is helpful when not everyone consumes large amounts of sugars and processed foods. To the OP I would follow what other people have mentioned about healthy fats... avocadoes, nuts and seeds, olive oil (and coconut oil), etc. and also think about what drumminmama said because only you know that and its possible you're fooling yourself too.