So yesterday I talked to an Egyptian Muslim. First I tested him by saying Liberia has a woman president. He was glad. He said "people these days don't believe in God or family. They just want to have fun." Oops. I asked him about Egypt. It's a police state now. Too bad, no tourism. I might not get to see the mighty pyramids of Giza. He said it's not like TV. They're larger than life. It's pretty relaxed there in terms of religion. He grew up not really religious. Men there don't like to commit, they just want to have fun, not like here, but to a degree. I asked him if he's been to Saudi Arabia. He said yeah, for his hajj. He said women aren't that oppressed there. They can't drive. They need a male escort. But they go to university, have careers, etc. So it depends. But he didn't like it there because of the monarchy. I asked him if he thought there was a lot of hatred of Muslims here. He said it's just ignorance, like with Trump. I asked him what he thinks of Sharia. He asked me what I think. I said it seems sexist and homophobic. For example, women are stoned to death for being raped and gays are thrown off of buildings. He said no, women are stoned to death for adultery and you need two witnesses of the whole act lol. He said stoning is only practiced in two countries, Saudi Arabia and Iran. I tested him to see if he was practicing takiyya, tawriya, or kitman. Those are different forms of how in the Qu'ran Muslims are encouraged to lie to advance their beliefs in non-Muslim countries until it's too late. He was talking way too much to be lying. I didn't come out and ask him because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. He said he's Muslim because when he read the Qu'ran, it was like poetry and was miraculous for an illiterate merchant. He said 'if you wrote an amazing book, you would take the credit for it. So why didn't he want to look great? He said 'no this is God.'' He said it says a lot that he could relate to, about his thoughts and human nature, even though it was written 1,400 years ago. Apparently, Mohammed was very poor and mistreated by his family. His family said 'okay so if you're doing this for money, we'll give you money....job/job...wife/we'll get you a nice wife.' But Mohammed said 'even if you give me the sun and the moon, I won't abandon this.'
So anyone who writes a great book can attribute it to God and start their own religion and this guy would enlist? That's what I get from this.
Lol. Yeah. Sounds like a good ol' sheep, easily herded. This is an extremely ignorant thread tbh, full of passive racial aggression. These little "tests" ... "I tested him by asking" you know, as if to say "well I'm not sure about your culture one bit but I'm not going to believe a word you say unless you correctly answer the minute things I do think I know about Islam, just to prove your authenticity to my own personal standard." That's all I pretty much got out of this. and it's just worded so poorly too. Like "my conversation with a Muslim" like it's a bad thing, like this guy isn't a human being at all, he's just a whacko Muslim the OP has some agenda against so better flood him full of testing questions just to make sure. Judged poorly from the very beginning that this guy wasn't what he said he was and never believed anything he practiced. Real nice judgement call there. And the thread in itself offers zero positive conclusions. It's just baited so that anyone who doesn't like Muslims can attack and shoot down anything the that guy proclaimed to believe in. It doesn't even end in the OPs conclusion to what the answers were to her ignorant questions in the first place. What did you think Samantha. Was he a genuine Muslim, to your knowledge? Did he pass your tests or do you think he's completely full of shit? There's just nothing here. Nothing.
I am also a muslim i wiil try to answer to soon when i have a proper system in front of me. Right now i am at cell phone. I will try to answer by islam not by my self. What you are doing is intervewing a muslim and judging islam If say trump says this this this and so chritanity is wrong dose It make any sense ? Trum says if his daughter will not be his daughter he will marry her her. Can i relate it to christans by any mean ? Or i pick any statment of christen and start to laugh on christenaity Would you call me sensible ? What eminum sings for his mom should we make it christen statment according to christen religion. ? Here even in this forum most are christens right ? So dose christanity says to do thrersome ? May God forgive me for using such examples for christans and christanity these are just for examples that dont judge religion by a follwer. We all are humans we all do sins we all have miss consepts but reject a religion or accept we have to research from pplz who have knowledge or authentic books. And none of us have rights to make fun of any religion. I think that will be worst of mind. Same is for islam . You take personal views of a muslim and laughing on islam.
Is Islam a race? Or a religion? Are Christians a race? Suppose it was the Westboro Baptist Church. People hate them. Are they racist?? Are they even wrong? But I didn't do it out of hate. I did it out of a desire to make a connection with a foreign culture. I have a passion for world cultures. I like to learn from other people and connect. That's why I did it. And he didn't mind at all. He was quite happy to discuss his religion and clear up any misconceptions I might have had.
I didn't laugh at Islam. I was interested to know more. There are people who hate Christians, yes. There are people who hate atheists, including many Muslims. There are people who hate feminists. So what? Atheophobia?
i will try to provide you all the knowledge by the best of my knowledge . i don't know if any religion ask to hate others for their religion believes . religion comes from heart ( brain ) no body can force or change it . its totally personal thing i guess . we can discuss and criticize but can not force to any one and this is why all religion accept others . and no religion say to hate other religion peoples. its a very simple thing . lets suppose i am a christen . and then obviously i think i am on right thing ......... and being a good human i must want every one to be a christen . now how can i tell some thing abut Christianity if every one alrady know that i hate them and so every religion say be nice so others will listen to you .
listen,my friend Alli baba..Islam is Islam..I agree what you wrote here....and it will be an ENDLESS discussion to talk about it..same for Christianity,Jews,whatever religion..I do not believe in religions...i can tell you some facts about Islam because i was married for 31 years to a Muslim know Kabiristan?the graveyard for Muslims?when my mother in law died we went for the 40 day after funeral prayers wife wanted to visit her own mothers grave..and there was a chowkidar who said===NO...women not come,my friend?when i gave him some backsheesh of a few hundred roupies we could get this Islam?do you know the sura Aat il Kursi?oh?it protects hour house,is it? I'm NOT defending or attacking anyone here..the Samantha was only interested in a conversation with the Egyptian dude...nothing wrong in that.. maybe she asked the wrong questions?it's curiousity,is it not?nobody can discuss will take a whole forum to discuss that.. she should have turned her conversation into==how is Egypt??if you start talking about not say anything.. every word will be put in a weighing scale... @ irmi.. i would say this=racism is something else..and a discussion about religion is never easy..but one cannot judge anyone by statements which are said in a thread like about Muslim lesbians?would you discuss this in an open thread?or is it such a taboo question that no one can or will answer?I suggest==keep your mouths shut about leads to nothing...i thought this is a hippie forum..well is,no? Tiger
i agree its endless discussion . what you said abut going woman in graveyard is not allowed in islam . as much as i know its not preferred . woman do visit grave yard and its not like if a woman visit graveyard she will not remain muslim . abut the watchman as he is making money so he did it . About Ayat ul kursi prottect house or human . as much as i know every religion have some believes you can not say that they will save you or not. pplz put hourse shoe on door ......... do you think that protect house or not ? pplz put cross sign on doors and their neck ....... player make sign for cross to get success in sports ...... dose it give them sucess ? so i think its again a endless argument. here i finish my arguments . and infect i was not giving arguments i was just explaining my views ...... and i think its healthy i would love to know others as well and so i did not mind or got angry on any one ...... smiles
Well they won't be stoned to death unless there are two witnesses. If that's not awesome and nice and great than I don't know what is. And they can move freely (okay with en escort). And they have careers (even though they can't drive themselves to work). And the media is lying when they report stoning in Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria or Sudan. It is only practiced in SaudiArabia and Iran, and everyone just knows Iran is evil because they're Shia.
@Tiger I'll discuss anything openly in any thread. I have zero qualms. I'm going to state my opinion though, as the forum was designed for. If I step on toes then I step on toes, not my burden to deal with. I'm glad I wasn't the only one that felt similar thoughts on the subject.
To be fair I think Iran is being shit upon for their oppressive government. It's not just women who's being oppressed there but the whole population. If you want to be yourself, speak frank and have fun you do it behind your front door over there. It is not because they're Shia, it is for a large part (but not solely) for the lack of separation between religion and government.
i talked to an iranian muslim and she always whispered things in my ear like - i had a dream we were fucking in the walkin upstairs, or i was thinking yesterday it would be fun to wash dishes and get all soapy and screw in the middle of the kitchen floor - nice girl - then she would say - are you still in love with that girl, and i would have to admit i was, and so i blew it - pretty girl
i worked with this muslim guy and he had a long hair sticking out of the very tip of his nose and one day i just yanked it out, and he said, 'that really hurt,' and i said, 'not as much as looking at it.' i did him a favor - god is great, but so are tweezers