It's scary because she's my first cat and it's freaking me out. It sounds like she's in pain with all those low meows. and acting all crazy, running around the house like she's losing her mind. Is there anything I can do to help her?>
There isn't anything you can do and all that she is doing sounds normal.Unfortunatly she will continue to stay in heat until she is either bred or spayed. I highly suggest you spay her, its the healthiest choice for her for a multitude of reasons. BTW I'm a Vet tech so if you have other concerns feel free to PM me.
I have another question then....dont know if you can help me but she has an issue with going to the litter she'll use the bathtub even though the litter box is like a foot away...
My cat does that too. :/ There's not a whole lot you can do. Keep the litter box clean. Make sure there are enough litter boxes. Try different kinds of litter. Some cats are picky about their litter and only like one brand. And make sure she's healthy. No urinary infections or anything. Ask your vet. Saje
Saje is right, a clean litter box is important for some cats and the rule of thumb is at least one box per cat. Since she is doing it in the bathtub you may be able to collect some and take it to your vet for a urinalysis to rule out infection, if it is an infection you should be able to clear it up with antibiotics and they can prescribe them there. Usually its a 7-14 day course of antibiotics. Just be thankful she is urinating in your bathtub and not your carpet- cat urine is the worst to get out!!
That's so true! My cat pees on my bed and peed on me once. I love her to death but I think she's mental!