in many of my dreams i have no sense of having any physical form. in others its there, but i just don't notice or pay attention to. places are real and solid though. geography, land, structures, artifacts, infrastructure. not same places as awake life, but completely believable places. in my mind my body is almost no part of my identity at all, so i think this is probably why. i can ride on trains, buses, what have you. i can even assemble parts to make things, use tools to make parts, but its kind of like the way i make things in 3d in the computer. more often though i'm just curiously exploring. and its seldom that i ever meet anyone. i mean like if i'm in a developed place i see people, but unless i'm actually wanting to meet anyone, which is seldom, i just don't. and unless i'm someplace where people are likely to be, i don't meet them at all, and i'm completely happy to not do so. cars and money are also things that are just almost never there. even the kind of roads for cars to drive on. i don't mean that anything is NEVER there, just most often not. and when they are, the take more creative but still believable forms. i wonder if anyone else has this. you can walk around or teleport, levitate, however you move about, but its not like there's any space you need to occupy, or any of the other limitations having a physical form imposes.