Yay. I'm so happy for you. By the way, did I mention how cool you are for revolving your life around pot and "420"? ...Oh. I didn't? Well, you're ever so cool for having this pot fixation. Really. I mean it. You are. -Jeffrey
Yes. A holier-than-thou fixation doesn't cost me money, and won't get me arrested and in the hole for thousands of dollars for a lawyer. It doesn't make me look nearly as pathetic as these posers who think that if they show everyone how much they like pot, they'll be looked up to. Really. If you like pot, GREAT. Enjoy. Smoke yourself silly and watch your Beavis and Butthead or Spongebob Squarepants. Do nothing with your life. Waste it in front of the tube eating Funyuns and Domino's Pizza. But don't expect that it makes you COOL. These people seem to think they're living the pot-version of a fuckin' Mt. Dew commercial! Gimme a break. Your pot predilection is your personal business, dig? The only thing you show by parading it is how desperate you are for attention and approbation. "Look at meee! I like pottttt!" Puhlease. -Jeffrey
no his comment was on the mark and you should read it. try not to fly into persecution fantasies. you are not a martyr. you will die and be judged like the rest of us.
if you dont think that continuing to try and prove to everyone that you are better than them doesnt make you look pathetic, then i am afraid you are not only pathetic, but dillusional. "Look at meee! I'm better than youuuuuuuuuuuu!"
At least I can spell "delusional." Try not to overreach your own knowledge and education when attempting to insult me, okay? Use a less complicated word if you can't spell the one you wanted. -Jeffrey
Hippie, does it count as condescending when you yourself condescend to a condescender? I'm thinkin', "Yeah." -Jeffrey
Well damn, dont get all fuckin defensive about shit there jeffery. I only made this because I felt like it, not because I wanted to brag about pot. If you havent figured out that I smoke pot by now, then you arent even worth talking to. I could give a fuck less how cool I look smokin the shit. Its my way of life and thats that. I didnt ask for a complete pyscological evaluation of myself just because I felt the need to inform people that my posts had reached 420. I figured that since this was a "free speech forum" I wouldnt be treated like one of those "teen" potheads that think they are all high and mighty because they smoked a couple joints.
Smoking pot is a "way of life"? I'm not sure if you realize how that sounds to me. It sounds stupid, to me. It's like if I said drinking Pepsi is my way of life. What kind of thing is that to base your life on?! Don't bullshit us. You DO think that smoking pot is an "image" and you like being associated with it. Why else would it be something you'd use as a screen name? -Jeffrey
Since you are still going to come back and be a dickhead, I'm not even going to bother with this. Thus far, you are the only faggot I've met on here that has given me any reason to get mean. I'm not asking how my life sounds to you. Personally, I dont give a fuck how it sounds. Pot IS my image and thats that. If you dont like it, you can go to hell. If you do, then shut the fuck up about it.
sorry, i cant spell perfectly at 5am. I guess when ya got nothin else, you pick on someones spelling, eh? Yknow, I agreed with what you had to say in another post, entitled "why are people such cowards" about the need for some people to fight and talk shit being childish. I find it quite ironic that you did so as you ALWAYS seem to be talking shit to people here. I woulda figured that someone named peacefuljefferey not to start so much shit, and maybe try spreading some peace. Maybe you should change yer name to hypocriticaljefferey