Muslims in China forced to eat pork and drink alcohol

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by 6-eyed shaman, May 20, 2018.

  1. P!erre!

    P!erre! Members

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    The reason why your care factor should be higher than 0 is because a long time ago, catholic churches (and other religions too) burned, tortured, etc...a lot of people for saying stupidies like the Earth is round, bacterias exist and other little idiotic things that made science help us live longer than the ripe age of 39... Eventually we have to get rid of all those people who think that Jesus is alive & riding a horse on the Moon...because religions cause little non-important things like ALL wars, racism, control of thoughts, control over women, anti-abortion, fights, exclusion of individuals, human rights trampled and so on. If some guys want to wear a pointy hat and say that god told them to do so, fine but, they cannot take a child - which is the most vulnerable thing and brain wash them. They love to suffer and think that if they die on the cross they will automatically go to heaven where god waits for them with naked model women, so, I say...give them what they want. It will also give a boom to Canada's lumberjack industry...
  2. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    That should be easy since virtually zero people think that.

    Religion causes ALL of that? What were the religious reasons behind the Korean War? What does religion have to do with racism? Wasn't the world's most well known racist an atheist born of a woman of the same religion he persecuted? Fighrs? No, immature people in disagreements cause fights.

    Can you clarify here? Literally no clue what you're saying
    6-eyed shaman and Okiefreak like this.
  3. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    wait a minute

    did i actually see someone equate this with the murder and torture of millions of people?

    someone needs to learn more about what the holocaust was
    6-eyed shaman and Noserider like this.
  4. P!erre!

    P!erre! Members

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    Pope wears a pointy hat and his cult has for a long time forced children to learn by heart their bs, chant, go to mass, etc,,etc...etc......... Let children become adults and let them, then, decide if they want to go on their knees and thank the invisible green giant for creating Santa Claus and the likes... In the meantime, if religious people think that Jesus is so great...they should imitate him...which explains my lumberjack comment that wasn't clear because crosses are made of wood and they should all go on it. They'll be happy and the World will be better.
    Religion is not a great sign of maturity. If you go looking real hard - you'll find that relgion plays a good base in just about all wars, crusades, genocides in Africa and so many many many more...this is off the top of my head but, if you look up an exaustive list on the net - you will be amazed!
    I haven't even touched the pedophile stories... Not all priests are pedophiles but, if someone is a pedophile, being a priest is the best hunting ground in the World.
    Relgion has done some good things but, trust me, if you make 2 columns - it not worth all the bad vs the good.
  5. P!erre!

    P!erre! Members

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  6. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    45 million people died in atheist China under Mao's rule.and of course there's the Soviet Union

    I think basically humans are a bit shit with or without religion
  7. P!erre!

    P!erre! Members

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    How many arguments have all of you had today about the existence of mountains? Let me try to take a guess...mmm...0. Over your lifetime...I'm going to go on a limb...mmm....0. Why? Because we see them, we feel, them, we can infer their weight, position and etc... What about god? God is all powerful he made everything from the tiniest bacteria to the biggest solar system. He knows every second every thought that every person has (just like Santa Claus too) and yet...he can't find a quarter to call us and let us know his infinite wisdom msg of love. Instead he has chosen a few individuals...who happen to be leaders in a cult in his name, and has sent them, by magic, his rules. sheer coincidence, in all the cults, you must give a good portion of your paycheck... I must start my own religion...I love the pope who packs the msg of being humble and poor and lives in a palace full of paintings worth zillions...

    If I did sound like I was against muslim's because I am...but, before you get a little should be very angry with me because I'm also againts catholics, budhists, hiduists, sikhismis, and people who eat potatos...oh...I also don't believe in atheists...hahahahaha!!!!
  8. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    I've been Catholic all my life and I've never had to give over any portion of my paycheck. Also, I eat potatoes and, your personal recognition or not, atheists exist.

    Not sure what drugs the poster above me is on, bit he should really share them with the rest of us
    Okiefreak and Flashdown like this.
  9. P!erre!

    P!erre! Members

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    My problem is that I don't take any drugs. My mistake...they don't ask any money in way of passing down a hat and the likes...but seriously they did a lot more than that in the past. They also controlled governments but, it is more and more a thing of the past now.
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
  10. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    You worked for a Muslim family? And read "a little" about them And this makes you an expert on Muslims? Suppose you worked for the Phelps family of Westboro Baptists in Kansas. Would you conclude that all Christians are gay-bashing bigots? And if you read a little about Chrisitans in Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion or Bertrand Russell's Why I Am Not a Chrisitan, would that cinch it? Muslims come in many flavors. Some are nominal, some devout. Some (85%) are Sunnis, others (15%) are Shiites. Some are loving and flexible (e.g., Sufis); others conservative and rigid (e.g., Salafis. Wahabis). Some (31%) follow moderate Hanafi Sharia, others follow conservative (e.g., Hanbali) Sharia, etc. In other words, you may be overgeneralizing.
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  11. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    The Muslims can decide to not go to China.
    The people you're talking about are not recent Muslim immigrants to China nor tourists, and the Chinese are not subjecting all Muslims to this treatment. The Muslims in question are Uyghrs and they've lived in the country for centuries. They're not just any ol' Muslims, but an ethnic Turkic minority. The Chinese are upset with them because they want to leave--and take the Xinjiang autonomous region with them. Back in 2014, 10 of them staged a knife attack on passengers at the Kunming Railway Terminal, and China responded in its usual ruthless manner by killing some of the perpetrators, executing the rest, and rounding large numbers of Uyghrs up for "thought reform"--aka, brainwashing. Making them eat pork and drink alcohol is part of the program, just as waterboarding was part of the G.W. Bush program. As NotMyRealName put it: "China doesn't eff around with their enemies." (Do I detect a whiff of envy?) Incidentally, this approach has been tried before but doesn't always work. The Book of Maccabees describes Antiochus IV's efforts to assimilate the Jews by making them eat non-kosher foods or be tortured in front of their families. They chose the latter, and the Jews rose up and won their freedom. But the Chinese may be more effective. We haven't heard much from the Pro-Democracy Movement or Fallon Gong lately.
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
    Eric! likes this.
  12. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Is this a threefur? You get to attack Chi Coms, Muslims, and "hypocritical" SJWs in one swell foop! Let's deconstruct: The Muslims in question weren't generic Muslims but Uyghur separatists suspected of terrorism. China has an atrocious human rights record, which has been the subject of international protest for decades, to no avail. All "rights" in China are subject to the Four Cardinal Principles (1) upholding the socialist path; (2) upholding the people's democratic dictatorship; (3) upholding the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party; and (4) upholding the Chinese style of Marxism-Leninist ideology. As long as people abide by those and keep their noses clean, the supposedly government won't mess with them. Otherwise, the government will do whatever it thinks is effective in securing compliance--no holds barred. In other words, total despotism. But hey, they're an important trading partner, and the Uyghurs are terrorists, so the U.S.A. is inclined to tread lightly.

    Where's the outrage? Judging from some of the posts on this thread, most people may not know about the situation, are not informed on it, or couldn't care less about it. And why is that? A conspiracy by the liberal media? I think there's a tendency to focus on issues which are subject to correction. As I said, SJWs have been complaining about human right abuses in China until they're blue in the face, and nothing has happened. We're not going to boycott China. We'd ruin our economy. We're not going to go to war with China over the issue. And there are so many causes for SWJs to address, so little time, gotta prioritize. There's neighboring North Korea, for example, which has an even worse human rights record, but "Rocket Man" is currently off limits because peace talks are coming up and he's temporarily an "honorable" man. Understandably, SJWs focus their resources on things they can change. So it is understandable that, where Muslims are concerned, incidents in their own backyard, like mosque burnings and bombings, Muslim's being beaten up, and yes, pigs heads being thrown into mosques get priority. And I don't think those activities here at home are in the least excused or trivialized by the fact that the Uygurs are being persecuted much worse in China.
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
    McFuddy likes this.
  13. P!erre!

    P!erre! Members

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    You worked for a Muslim family? And read "a little" about them And this makes you an expert on Muslims?

    No. I'm not an expert but based on my experience - just as I do with everything in my life - this is how I make an educated opinion.
  14. P!erre!

    P!erre! Members

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    Probably the reason that China does that (my girlfriend is chinese) is because it is not allowed to assemble - sort of competition with government. I equally dislike all religions but, Muslim is approx the equivalent of catholic crusades - they want to enroll you, they have death penalties if you are disgraceful with their santa clause, etc... I could tell a lot about the reality of China - if someone wants to know - it is not as thought...but I guess that might be another thread... :)
  15. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    It's a little too easy for me to say that "we're not in China" and "why should I care". I feel like the obvious elephant in the situation is that these are a people with a devout religious conviction and principles which in many countries would be accepted and respected. Despite Donald Trump's opinion on Muslim people or their relationship to terrorist attacks, I think that we too in America accept and respect them, by and large (with few exceptions). I think that they are misunderstood a lot in our culture. But I see girls with hijabs on at school and am curious about them and their lives. It's sort of wonderful to have a people in your life that are such a significant cultural icon. But I don't mean exoticize them or make them a novelty. I would be interested to find out more about them.

    Anyway... I don't think that the prisoners should be tormented.
  16. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Being forced to eat pork and drink alcohol is way better than being water-boarded
    Orison likes this.
  17. P!erre!

    P!erre! Members

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    Funny...I agree with both posters above even though they have opposing views.
    So...for my part - sorry if I offended anyone. And...
    Forget "muslims' for a moment - I am against all enslavement of the mind cults, but, I know that some of them have given some people a reason to do good.
    If at the same time, the religion doesn't have rules that cause death or some kind of detriment to people or etc...(throwing a blonde girl in the volcano) - sure...why not?
    There is a ufo religion, reincarnation, etc...go for it!
  18. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    That's an okay way to proceed in forming tentative opinions, but you might get a little more depth in the subject before going out on the internet and griping about 1.5 billion people.
  19. P!erre!

    P!erre! Members

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    35 I don't think so...I work in an hospital with 50% muslims and I worked with a family of Muslims for 5 years add to that all I've I said - not an expert but I know a lot...
  20. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    I worked for an Iranian guy for a while when I lived in Boise. He treated me and the rest of the employees wonderfully. That is basically my only experience with anyone of the Muslim faith. And the only god he had, as far as I could tell, was the almighty dollar. My kind of guy.

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