Mad scientists now reckon they've discovered mushrooms on Mars ! Who spiked your air supply Major Tom?? Book your mars trip now . Before those isolationist martians build a wall to keep clamoring hordes of earthlings out .
Half the people he attacks for not awakening themselves with psychedelics have done psychedelics. That's what I find amusing.
Joey: You can probably get a black hooker to do an “around the world” for a small 50. Lee: what’s an around the world? Joey: it’s when she sucks your cock and balls and spits the warm cum all over your asshole. It’s tremendous.
So that disproves the butt stuff that I mentioned since I can't spell for shit? Not that there is anything wrong with that as Sienfield said. That's part of why I don't like him he's just a crass dick. You don't talk about women like that if you are secure in yourself. He comes off as a child to me like a teen who swears to his friend he has seen a pussy he did not slide out of.
Mushrooms On Mars? Controversial Paper Claims Evidence Fungi And Microbes Live On Mars Today This is the only source I searched and I skimmed through it but it seems inconclusive at this point.
So they're likely not psilocybine anyway. Lol yeah. I noticed the same but thought why bother enlighten him there