Nelson Mandela..... the government went after him, he was jailed for years... yes, we know how that went. Martin Luther King... the government went after him, he was arrested and jailed for years... yes, we know how that went. And yes, there's something about being 'gone after' by a two tiered justice system that puts an angry look, and an unmistakable look of resolve, on a mug shot.
So your implied syllogism seems to go like this: Two revered men had mug shots unjustly taken by repressive regimes (South Africa and Alabama). Donald Trump was booked and had a mug shot taken. Therefore? Donald Trump is being treated unjustly? The U.S. government and the government of Georgia are repressive? I take it you've never taken or passed Logic 101, or perhaps you did take them to learn fallacies you're trying out on us. This seems to be a variant of an association fallacy known as the Galileo gambit: Galileo was persecuted but found later to be right. Therefore, Trump must be right and is being unjustly persecuted. Pretty lame for a Mensa with three advanced degrees! By that logic, everybody who has had a mug shot taken must be innocent and unjustly persecuted. Either you're illogical or assume we are! As for your "two-tiered" justice system: yes, it's sad. Most folks charged with the crimes Trump has been charged with in four indictments would be behind bars like King and Mandela, (being unable to afford bail) but Trump gets kid gloves treatment, a motorcade and only one mugshot he can merchandise for further ill-gotten gain!
Trump - so far 91 separate charges of criminal activity. So far... Arizona may be next... several other states will probably bring charges as they muddle through the evidence piles. Yes, piles and piles of criminal evidence. What a fucking crook, and I am constantly amazed how the fools on this planet will support him.
Hmmmm.... aren't' you SUPPOSEDLY an administrator whose job is to ensure open discussion of ALL points of view, and not to divide those who visit this site into 'they're in agreement with us so the're OK', and 'fools on this planet who don't agree with us?' So much for belief in a free country among the commie cancel culture!
Sure I believe in free speech, that's why you have not been banned Keep on spouting your party line bullshit, it's a great conversation starter! And BTW, this site and always was a liberal site, founded and maintained by hippies! How's that make you feel, hanging out with hippies all day long? Peace, Love, and Understanding... especially understanding the truth is a key tenet of hippy philosophy. That with an OPEN mind is the WAY.
Aways the communists! Isn’t it about time for the right wing to invent a new foil. Hard pressed to find any “commie” threats in these parts. Socialists are also the reddest of herrings….Scandinavia with its democratic socialism is doing better the most of the rest of the world….particularly right wing authoritarian anti democratic locations.
Marjorie Taylor Greene made this photoshopped mug shot to mock the newest charges against Trump. The Republican GA congresswoman called the new slew of charges against former president Donald Trump as “pure communism” and just another part of a “giant collaboration basically to affect the 2024 election.”
Scandanavia and Europe in general, abdicated their own defense to the United States years ago, and have lived under the false premise they didn't have to defend themselves. Putin's war on Ukraine now has them all scrambling for NATO membership, still without paying for their own defense, they'll let the US do all the heavy lifting. In the meantime, they offer free government services with the money they should be spending to keep themselves free of communism, Putin and an end to their fun. Here in the US, Biden is senile, other than that he's exactly like Putin, going after his political enemies with an endentured press in tow no longer able or willing to commit to investigative journalism. Biden accepted bribes in Ukraiine, and needs to be impeached, his whore-mongering son is treason afoot, and Burisma is the corruption funding Biden Inc. He even bragged about staying in Ukraine for only another 6 hours, if the Prosecutor investigating Hunter wasn't fired, he was taking the billion in aid with him, and guess what they fired him. Quid pro quo. Bidens idea of big government includes dictating driving EV cars, ending gas stoves, water heaters, etc, teaching our kids they are government kids and using the power of the legal system to stand off pissed off parents, taking the extraordinary step of prosecuting them for speaking up at school board meetings, all with FBI and DOJ collusion. To the Big Guy, big government is our future, and we must be subservient to Massa Joe.
A few European defense organizations. Not counting armies, etc. deployed by individual countries. Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) European Maritime Force Nordic Battle Group EU Battlegroup European Corps I. German/Dutch Corps Multinational Corps Northeast European Gendarmerie Force Lithuanian–Polish–Ukrainian Brigade Combined Joint Expeditionary Force European Defence Agency Evidence for Biden being senile? Anything? Reason for impeachment? Evidence for corruption? I find it amazing that Trump is presumed to be innocent, no proclaimed to be innocent, yet Biden is proclaimed to be guilty. And the Republicans chant "innocent until proven guilty!" I guess you didn't read my reply about EV cars, gas stoves, water heaters, etc. as I pointed out that you have it completely wrong. What's the rant about government kids about? Where did you get the bull about the FBI and DOJ arresting parents for talking at school board meetings? Oh, you mean when parents threaten school board members with violence, like this: Or this: I guess you're for violent threats as a form of free speech; or something. ...and what's with the Massa Joe? Some reference to black slavery?
Norway was a founding member of NATO sent troops to Yugoslavia, Libya, and Afghanistan in support of NATO's efforts there.Sweden is a new member, thanks to Vlad. Most U.S. security analysts think NATO is vital to U.S. defense, and that the recent additions are a good thing. The main reason the Scandanavian countries are able to offer social welfare to their citizens is that they tax the hell out of them--including the rich and corporations! from all reports, the Scandanavians are satisfied. In fact, they're doing so well some conservative pundits have decided they can't really be socialist. But then again, neither are U.S. Democrats--even the Bern, although he thinks he is. Technically, socialism entails government ownership of the means of production and/or distribution, which the Scandanavians don't have that much of. They are Social Democracies and welfare states. I guess if they aren't Socialist, it should be okay for the U.S. to go the same direction without being labeled Socialists or commies???