What a great film this was, and despite a sad story, it was told in a comedy way. Having said that, the late Robin Williams was a versatile actor whereby he had acted in more serious roles also, and not a one-trick pony. If the producers had rewritten the movie Mrs Doubtfire into a comedy story and told in a sad way, who knows how it would have fared at the Box Office.
absolutely! I finally got this on DVD a couple of years ago and I still love it! And Robin Williams was such a beautiful spirit! Miss him!
Robin Williams was one of my favorite actors and comedians of all time. He was such a brilliant talent...his light is sorely missed.
Mrs. Doubtfire is my favorite Robin Williams film. At the moment I can't think of any others that top it. He was a very talented actor. I find that he downplayed his talents by performing in a handful of terribly written/directed movies that were way beneath his talents. Such as "Flubber" and "Patch Adams" and "Jack."
Of course Robin Williams was a good actor, he had Mental Health issues, anyone with MH problems becomes a good actor, you have to be. I watched things with him in and although he is acting funny you can see in his eyes a sort of deep pain, it's only a person with 'issues' that would pick up on this. Having had MH issues for many many years, I became quite an accomplished actor, I could be laughing and joking with people, but inside I felt like crying. When I finally had my big meltdown a lot of people were suprised, "well I never thought you had mental health issues" was a common comment, well why should you, I'm hardly going to advertise it! I did like a lot of stuff he did, but I think the pressure must have got to much for him, people always seem to want more no matter how much you give, they forget about your needs and care only about their own, you made them laugh and they expect you to keep making them laugh, no matter how crap you feel.
I get what you're saying, but I really liked Patch Adam's and Jack...and maybe even Flubbed (probably just because of Robin). It's so hard for me with Robin's passing. It wasn't until just a few years prior that I had known about his MH issues. I've always had issues, but I was never able to hide my tears. It was quite embarrassing actually (although, I guess as a child I was better at this, but something happened to change this. I didn't cry over a sad thing and I felt like I was less of a girl because this other girl did cry and got the attention. I was deeply saddened by the story, but did not cry and did not get comfort, so then I opened up...but I'm afraid both ways just sucked.) But in hindsight, I can see it. And I've seen it in old friends of mine (or they told me) that could laugh and make jokes but be deeply hurting inside. I'm more this way now in that I can joke, but it's more of a way to mask the pain from myself, to ignore it if you will, so in a sense I'm still happy...but deep down, I have struggles. I'm not afraid to speak about it though, but I guess I do tend to wait until the moment is right (mostly ) Oh, man though! Just wish we could have had more Robin! I think the last movie I watched, though it is an older one, was Jumanjii. (Did I watch it?? My memory is getting poor lately). But I was surprised and frankly disappointed that they are making a new one without him. Argh! I still need to watch Good Morning Vietnam. I started to once, but never finished. Anyone seen it and want to give me a review??
A brilliant movie. I haven't watched it for a quite a while. I must watch it again soon. It's a great feelgood movie when you are feeling a bit down.
I love Mrs. Doubtfire. My brother sends me random gifs from the movie and we end up going back n forth. Good stuff. Robin Williams was gold