moving to Fort Collins, need a roommate?

Discussion in 'Colorado' started by JustinL, Sep 3, 2005.

  1. JustinL

    JustinL Member

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    Hello all. I've been saveing money for a few months now and I'm ready to move on out to Fort Collins, CO from Saint Paul, MN. I'm planning on renting a truck and ending up in Fort Collins sometime around October 18-20.

    About me: I'm 33 years old and I'm looking for a change of pace from the Twin Cities. I like it here just fine but I've lived here for several years and I'm ready for a change of scenery (and not to mention the weather!). I'm a full time employed person at an assisted living facility in Minneapolis. Being that I work in health care it shouldn't be too difficult of a task to find employment. I've saved up enough money where I can live for a while with no job but I'll be looking for employment pretty much upon arrival.

    I'm responsible, laid back, tolerant and easy to get along with. I'm not a huge partyer but I do enjoy going out every now and then. I'm also 420 friendly. I respect others space and belongings.

    For fun I ride my bike year round on this frozin tundra, I read alot, enjoy eating, listening to music.

    I'd prefer to live in a nonsmokeing (cigarettes that is) household, 420 is fine by me.

    Basically I realized one day a couple months ago that time is flying by way too quickly and I'd like to spend it some place outside of MN. I've visited the Fort on a few occasions in the past and it seems like a nice place to live for a while.

    Oh yes, I'd like to keep the rent between three and four hundred dollars. The cheaper, the better!

    If you're interested or know of somebody who might be please send me a pm or reply ot his thread. If anyone has any other suggestions on finding a roomie in Fort Collins feel free to chime in.

    Thank you and peace!
  2. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    check on for a FtC tribe, also colorado. I see peeps looking for roomies all the time.
    Welcome to the Front Range from Littleton.
  3. JustinL

    JustinL Member

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    Thanks for the welcome and the info.
  4. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    hope it helps. You can put a seeking message on, too.
  5. ConcealedCulture

    ConcealedCulture Senior Member

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    Any luck yet? I am planning a move out west basically in the same time frame as you. Although I am more interested in Cali or BC, my dad is moving to Boulder in Feb. from DC. He hitched around CO when he was younger and I remember him always talking about going back there someday. He wants me to head out there also (I'm in Tallahassee FL), and since I value fam. so much I probably will. But I would need a roomate also. How far is Ft. Collins from Boulder? From your post it sounds like we have similar temperments. I don't consider myself a huge partier either, but I do like to go out and drink sometimes, and I definitely am 4:20 friendly. The only thing I can think of that might be a problem is if you don't like dogs. I have a weimaraner.
  6. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    FtC to boulder via Loveland is a couple hours. Close enough to see dad, far enough he won't pop in unannounced.
    Boulder can be too yuppies masquerading as hippys, and FtC can be too fratboy. Depends on what you can shrug off better.
  7. ConcealedCulture

    ConcealedCulture Senior Member

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    Boulder is probably better for my dad, he's an old hippy that had a career in and around DC, so he likes some yuppie stuff too. I can definitely shrug off yups better than fratguys (long story). They are one of the few things that can easily take away my inner peace.

    A couple hours? Damn, that's kind of far. I have no problem at all with pops dropping by to chill and take some rips...
  8. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    but a BEAUTIFUL drive: all along the foothills. It's common for the music pack around her to do a Denver-Boulder-FtC mini tour as tourheads and musicians.

    the frattys bother me more than employed frattys(yuppies). Yeah.... go make rent year in and year out in the real world....then tell me I am lacking in something... dorks.

    Is your dad moving for a job or retiring? Boulder itself is pretty city now (although not bad for a city) lots of cool communities nearby, too.
  9. ConcealedCulture

    ConcealedCulture Senior Member

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    Yeah I can definitely imagine it would be quite the scenic drive..

    My dad probably never will retire, but he wants to slow down a little, drop of the grid so to speak. He's a jeweler, so he will either sell his business and work for someone else (I can't really imagine that though ha), or move it out there. I guess with all the rich people from southern California migrating to Boulder it would be quite the lucrative place for a jeweler to earn a buck, you think? He mentioned something about Nederland recently.
  10. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    shhhhhh... keep Ned a secret! Really, Ned's in a slump. Three businesses that I loved have closed (all restaurants).
    I'd love to live in Ned... I'd thought about Ward, a few miles north, but then I drove the canyon in a blizzard..err...NO.
    My problem is I hate commuting and prefer to walk or take a train/bus.
    Ned has few jobs, and most folks are service industry, self-employed or cops. Or in bands. Most of my hardcore music buddies are Ned/ Boulder based, as are the management companies.
    Ned does have a GREAT internet provider, Planet Mind Internetworks, who host my sweetie's site and a free e-mail program.
    The company is run by three people and the office is wind-solar only. The servers are in Boulder with Windsource and another wind power exchange program (where you pay for the wind generation of the same amount that you use--for people unable to go full renewable)
  11. Sus

    Sus Hip Forums Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I used to love Ned too when I lived in Boulder...the commute thing was an issue for me too, so I never moved there, even though I was sorely tempted. There was a restaurant there...Sundance, I was attached to a hotel...I used to go eat there with friends, and ,sometimes by myself, a lot. The breakfasts were great...Drumminmama, do you know if that place is still there? It had a spectacular view of the Divide from a huge picture window that I would look out of when I was eating...I always tried to get a table by that window...
  12. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    they are. they have a porch on that end. I should dig up the pix I took from near there...
    Annie's is on the sale block.
    Moon Times is now the expanded Kathmandu.
    the weird taper guy that ran a "record" store is gone.

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