Moving to Australia, looking for a commune. :)

Discussion in 'Australia' started by Tosca, May 31, 2007.

  1. Tosca

    Tosca Member

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    As the title suggests, I am moving to Australia in February next year, and looking for a commune to live in - preferably affordable, friendly, and large, population-wise [say, I prefer the ones with twenty or more people, but the more the merrier]. :)

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a nice commune that fits what I'm looking for, and would be able to give me some more info. n_n
  2. brack1936

    brack1936 Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I think Broome would suit you. And staying at the MCG at the Roebuck Bay caravan park is just like living in a commune. It's nice, dirty, hippie style camping with facilities. You should have no problem getting a job here either. Only thing is that it is still quite warm here in February and even I'm usually down at the southern end of Australia. But yeah. And there are probably plenty of places on the east coast you'd like.

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