How the hell do you people manage to revise? i never had to revise for my gcse's or anything i just fluked them, but now if i dont revise il fail my AS exams because i basicly know nothing. IVe been off school for a week now and mannaged half a page of work. i know that if i do no work ill fail just i cant get motivated, i will do anything not to work. I dont know how many times yesterday i went to sit on the toliet seat for no reason.... Help!
dont smoke weed, cos thats what im doing, and my motivation has totally gone! and i've an exam tommorow!
Well I'm one of those people who crams like mad in the last week...but I just think to myself...hmm...if I get good grades then I can get people to buy me drinks down the pub/give me money *budding capitalist at heart me*
Well the biggest distraction from revising for me was the bloody forums! I could always ban you until your exams are over Should have banned myself last year! But I did revise. Had two exams in each subject. So I basically just took on to revising an entire exam topic each night for all the exams for two weeks. I wouldn't sleep till I'd covered the whole topic with a fresh set of notes. Usually stated up till 4 or 5 am with unlimited cups of coffee and cigaretted allowed. This worked brilliantly for passing my exams, but it did get me addicted to the cigs, and I still haven't quit....
SHHHHHH! dont mention the exam word! if i pretend ive forgotten i dont have to revise!!!!.....stupid AS levels.....
My friend gave me the best motivation ever - sent me a link for the Oxford University website and then told me to get my arse off the computer and get to my desk to do some German revision. I love that guy. Put the fear of god into yourself somehow. Imagine how it'd feel to open your results and see a row of big fat U's. Get workin'!
i alwayz try 2 revise, but my guitar alwayz call out 2 me and i cnt resist. im just 2 stuk in2 my musik, thats the biggest destraction. and mayb sometimes im 2 layd bak cus like think that im not stressin myself out 4 anything
it's hard.. I always used to sit down and ask myself if this was really what I wanted to do.. and the bottom line is only u can answer it. the problem is as a teenager sometimes your direction in life is unclear.. in which case I can only suggest that revising and getting good grades will keep more options open for u. ultimately though it boils down to a question of ambition and self-motivation.
dam that might be a problem seeing as i have no clue what i want to do or anything.. i have just been going with the flow....
shit i've got an exam in....1 hr 20min and im farting about online...ahh the i've run outta coffee!
My dad was my motivation for my GCSE's he said i would fail and shit cus i am lazy.. stupid.. ignorant... bla bla bla. So i got mad with him and i was like ill show that wanker.. and i did and got really good results for me, but now he thinks i am smart so i have motivation to prove him wrong... Dam i need my dad to be mean to me again :'(
ino wat i wana b tho... iv alwayz wantd 2 hav a career in webdesign, so 4 me i dnt think thats the problem.
i got told that if i didn't pass my gcse's with good grades i might as well start living on the streets now because my life will be over if i can't get into a college...and then a uni...and then get a good job and so on and so forth... it didn't make me revise...but i did fluke good grades...and all the wankers who just farted about i school and did very badly on their exams aren't living on the streets...i kind of feel cheated...
lol. shut up! im soz, but i cnt b bothrd 2 rite clear.. aslong as i get my point across i dnt rly giv a fuk! that is unless im in a exam of corse
but i can't take you seriously, so you don't get your point across. It takes so much longer to read and understand, stick to using real words!
40% of people failed Higher English (like A-level) last year becasue they wrote in text speak in their essays. They didn't do it on purpose, just out of habit because they wrote like that all the time 'to save time.' unless you wanna fail, get learning to write properly. Jamie's right, no one is going to ake you sseriously if you talk in text speak.