Most Romantic Gesture Ever

Discussion in 'True Love' started by IrDave, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. IrDave

    IrDave Member

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    Whats the most romantic thing you have ever done for your partner. Or your Partner has ever done for you
  2. IrDave

    IrDave Member

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    As seem as no one reply's so far ill go first. btw i just like talking about positive stuff like this, i always hope that conversations like this give me and everyone else more ideas of how to treat their partner to something nice.

    For me the best thing i ever did was about half a year ago. I had been working a while and on the way back home bought a large bunch of lilies for my partner she had also decided to dress up real pretty for me and cook an amazing dinner. While she did this however I rearranged the bedroom and setup over 200 candles and over the last few days very slowly and painfully made a photo album of our travelling for the last couple years with over 500 photos and had written a little bit about them next to every single one almost. I lay this down in the middle of the bed and made a path of candles to the bed. And filled half the room looked amazing. Got kinda warm xD but that was ok was all worth it, as she cried and became so emotional when she started reading the book that i had made. I had also cleaned myself up best that i could to look nice and smart and handsome for her.
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  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Soft and cuddly polar bear plush toys holding roses. =]
    Or a lion with roses.
    And a big spank on the ass.
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  4. angelica peaches

    angelica peaches Member

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    I went out to my car one February 14th and there was a teddy bear, flowers, and a box of chocolates ;)
  5. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    When I moved back to the US, I started dating an old friend and he suggested I move in, as we were both in sketchy situations and could swing rents better together.

    I'm at work one evening, and my boss appears, eyes all atwinkle, saying there was a man to see me. He walked up behind her, laughed at the book section I was rearranging, (yeah, it had to be sex self help, didn't it?) and presented me with a rose (I'm allergic. I now make a joke very early on about never expecting them). Tied to the rose was a freshly-cut house key.
    I thought my manager was going to cry.

    Another partner, also a long term friend first, somehow over five years of random music conversation, managed to remember that my favorite Arlo Guthrie song was Darkest Hour.
    The first time we made love, he had it playing.
    Bonus points for him, I hear it and will always think of him.
    He also had a habit of downloading songs from artists I painted and playing them while we were setting up stages as our personal house music.
  6. TooTrue

    TooTrue Member

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    Well... I can't say the Most romantic gesture.
    So I'll talk in general: I try to give space when they need space, and closeness when they need intimacy. Talk when they need to talk, and just be there for them. Give a nice massage after a rough day. Fix one of their favorite dinners, desserts, or drinks, and serve it in a special way...
    Touch often, let them know I'm thinking about them, yet try not to smother (hard balance sometimes).
  7. rocketman88

    rocketman88 Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Although not in a relationship the most romantic thing I have done was meeting a woman abroad. I was talking to her for a year and a half I altered my plans a bit to meet her in person. She lived in mexico city and me in the U.K.
  8. Bassline514

    Bassline514 Member

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    My hubby isn't into big gestures but he does random little acts that add romance to our daily life: buying me my favorite snack or drink without me asking to cheer me up on a rough day, cute and silly text messages, spontaneously dancing with me in the living room when a romantic song plays on the radio, things like that. I absolutely love it, it builds and maintains a very strong and loving bond between us.
  9. rocketman88

    rocketman88 Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    ^^^ that sounds romantic to me , I think big gestures can either come off as forced or tacky sometimes. Its about the small and thoughtful things.
  10. patmandu22

    patmandu22 Guest

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    I knelt down in front of her and kissed her feet in front of her sister and best friend.
  11. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    Thats Nice !
  12. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I'm not very good at romance, I generally view romantic partners as buddies I just happen to be attracted to and like having sex with. And most past, and my present , partners have picked up on the fact that I find romantic gestures cheesy and stop doing them after a while lol.

    But I do like little gestures that show I'm treasured and valued. I like making eye contact in a crowded room and having a little two person cconversation without needing to speak a word. And I like when he puts his hand in the small of my back to guide me through a crowd. And asking me for advice, valuing my opinion. That kind of thing.

    And I like handpicked flowers, but not store bought. My partner picked a wildflower for me almost everyday the first couple of months we were dating.

    Edit: I just realized describing romantic partners as "just buddies " sounds kinda weird and cold and not really what I meant. I just meant I prefer a strong bond and friendship more so than empty romantic gestures
  13. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I always thought handpicked flowers must be more appreciated than store bought! Any dipshit with some cash can buy a bunch of roses.
  14. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    can't any broke dipshit steal some flowers off somebody's lawn though?
  15. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Yeah but any dipship with a few bucks to spare can order flowers online and tell the florist to type up an unoriginal card.

    So all in all, flowers aren't very romantic. I'm glad that's settled.
  16. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    not saying that flowers can't be romantic, just that i don't necessarily agree with asmo's reasoning on why certain flowers are more romantic than others.

    i think basically anytime you go out of your way to do something nice for your SO, it could be considered romantic. except kissing her feet in front of family, that's just weird.
  17. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    In high school, I was big into theater. Well, one evening after I had performed in the high school play, the guy I had been seeing brought me flowers that he had ripped off of a grave.
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  18. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Perhaps, but how many actually do it? ;)

    And how many unromantic guys bought a bunch of flowers for their wifes?
    Besides: you made it about stealing them from someone elses yard (which does not make it unromantic by default) but its pretty clear wild flowers are better than knicking some generic flowers from someones garden.

    And I'd think the effort of both collecting and compiling the bouquet yourself and the thought that goes into that is what makes it romantic. Not the flowers themselves.
  19. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    This guy once opened a Merci, and left all the marzipan ones for me.
    Cause they're my fave.

    I also once got a stupid teddybear for Valentines Day. I gave it to a cousin of mine.
    I am not a child.
    Hate gifts like that.
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  20. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    I'm not really into big romantic gestures and neither is my boyfriend. We cook for each other and do other small things and we like to surprise each other on birthdays, but that's about it. I have an ex who was really really really into that stuff though. He bought me flowers all the time, he liked to take me shopping, he even carved me a set of chopsticks for my hair from an antler he found in the woods once. While it was all very romantic, I would much rather have the low key relationship that I have with my boyfriend now. I sometimes felt really awkward when my ex did stuff like that. We went to school together and he once brought flowers for me to school and hen I had no choice but to carry them around with me to classes all day and it was awkward as fuck. I kind of wanted to throw them away all day, but didn't want to hurt his feelings.

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