Most pro sports are fixed

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by unfocusedanakin, May 28, 2014.

  1. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    In America the best example would be the NBA. It is set up like pro wrestling it is a show. Real competition might not be that entertaining you would change the channel. But when they artificially add in all these peaks and valleys to make it seem like one team might come back and keep the score close you don't. Of course there are blow outs which some will say discredits my argument but they are thrown in to change it up.

    I was a huge pro wrestling and NBA fan as a kid so when I watch the NBA grown I can it is all the same. The "bad guy" or other team always seems to get unfair breaks. You say "how did the ref not see that, this is so unfair I want him to loose". Any NBA fan can confirm I am sure how infuriating the officials are and how a foul is not always called by the same rules.

    But then comes the question of why. Simple, for the ratings. Why do you think the Lakers are always the unbeatable gods of the league they sell the jerseys. Just like Hulk Hogan was a god, it's what the fans want, they need a hero. Also this allows allot of money to be made on bets. Think of what you could make if you knew the result of a so called legit sporting event.

    This 2 part video is probably the best example. The former Hulk Hogan of the NBA Michal Jordan, this video shows how the league actuly made it easy for him, changing rules to make him unstoppable. The guy was cut from his high school team and yet goes on to be "the greatest". It makes no sense. But when he becomes a god he makes allot of money for the league. We all know how he was everywhere in the 90's movies, TV, it goes on.

    If you are not a fan some rules mentioned might me hard to understand but trust me the video is right."]Michael Jordan: Untouchable - YouTube

    There was even one NBA ref who admitted it was fake."]NBA Is Fixed Former NBA Ref At It Again! - YouTube

    Other sports such as the NFL have similar examples but for the sake of a short post we will stick to the NBA.
  2. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    The lakers fucking suck
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor"]Fletch (4/10) Movie CLIP - Fletch's Laker Dream (1985) HD - YouTube
  4. humanbeaing

    humanbeaing see you in paradise! HipForums Supporter

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  5. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Basketball is not fixed like wrestling.

    There are some elite players who get "superstar" calls, some players exaggerate a foul to make sure it's called (although recently post game fines have been implemented to limit this) and you'll occasionally get a team that's having a bad season to tank on purpose towards the end of the season if there is a chance for a higher draft pick.

    Players still got to make the shots, do the dunks, passes and all that. Really the thing is is that these athletes are so athletically gifted that it makes it hard to believe they can really be that good. You got to remember you have referees that are in nowhere the athletic shape as these professional athletes calling these games, the players are much stronger with quicker reaction times than the refs and there is some subjectivity with the calls.

    For instance calling a charge on a 250 lB Lebron James is going to appear different than calling a charge on a 185 lb Steph Curry.

    And yah the Lakers aren't a good example of the unbeatable team in the league, they didn't even make the playoffs this year and have been pretty bad for a couple years now.
  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I was once very stoned watching the NFL and I came to the same conclusion. That it was all rehearsed play by play. Then I watched what happens in some of the plays with the big hits and perfect passes, 22 men doing their jobs and realised it can't be fake. The refs and umpires are always useless though so I'd be happy to say they personally make bad calls on purpose to keep the games close but that happens in most football type sports.

    Whenever Jeff Gordon is leading a NASCAR race, sure as shit 9/10 a bullshit yellow is thrown and costs him the race and I tired of that years ago when they changed the rules to make sure the race ended under green, the infamous green, white, checkers.. Designed to bunch the cars up again and again until they wreck hard.. For the fans. But this is American sports at it's best isn't it? Spectator sports. That's why they work so well.
  7. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    fixed in a relative rather then absolute sense, and rife with corrupt management practices, is not exactly new news. nor is it anyone's complete fantasy. there are of course regulatory agencies in most sports, but these are not immune to being bought off, or even starve for enforcement resources, as seems to be typical these days in virtually all industries. when commercial interests exert undue control over government, such things become pretty much almost inevitable.
  8. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    MJ needs to find that high school coach and punch him in the face. Some commentators call him "the stupidest coach in the history of basketball".
  9. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    "Rasslin"is not a sport. Period. I don't know of any fixed B-Ball games. I have seen shit calls by the refs and also the favoring of stars occasionally. Magic Johnson was a prime example. He could dribble the length of the floor and just pile in to a group of players, knock a few down and get the call every time. But games fixed?? No days. Thursday night=ABC. 1st playoff game, San Antonio vs Miami. Check it out and see if it's real or not.

    I was into sports and B-Ball was my game.
  10. storch

    storch banned

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    I recall watching Vlade Divac guarding Shaquille o'neal near the basket. Vlade is standing still with his arms straight up in the air. Shaquille dribbles the ball a few times and then knocks Vlade on his ass before slam dunking the ball. The ref blows his whistle while pointing down at Vlade--foul on Vlade!! This happened like three times in a row. Made me hate the Lakers.
  11. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    How furious were you when they won 3 straight championships in the early 2000s?
  12. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    reality is not something that can ever be judged by what appears on corporate broadcasts. do you seriously expect the rigging to be anything that publicly visible?
  13. storch

    storch banned

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    Are you kidding? For the longest time I couldn't look at a basketball without seeing Vlade lying on his back and Shaquille smiling as he walked to the free throw line. I made the comment to laker fans that whoever played the Lakers had to play six players . . . when you include the ref.
  14. storch

    storch banned

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    And then there was boxing. Of course, it wasn't hard to see the big fight coming down the road. For instance, Sugar Ray Leonard would be on TV beating the hell out of nobody special every two weeks or so, and so was Tommy Hearns. Finally the big fight was signed by both camps, and then we waited for whatever date was set for the two top guys to go at it.

    Having seen them both fight, I thought that there was no way Leonard could take Hearns. In fact, there was some African guy who fought Leonard on TV one Saturday afternoon. After nine rounds of a ten round fight, the guy had Leonard beat on points. In the tenth round, Leonard pushed the guy up against the ropes and let loose with a flurry of ineffective punches. The guy covered up and absorbed the punches with his arms and gloves, and then suddenly the referee jumped in between them and stopped the fight, calling it a technical knockout by Leonard. At that moment, I hated Leonard even more than I would come to hate the Lakers. And then he went on to beat Tommy Hearns. I couldn't believe it.
  15. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Themnax----i WOULD know if someone was dogging it in B-Ball. You either play or not. Maybe the refs have been compromised occasionally--it happened a few years back---ONCE. And he paid the price. I know what you mean about corporate broadcasts concerning what they put out. They're sensationalists and bull shitters. But, I don't think any of the players would try and drag their team down---as a former player--I could see it a mile away. They make millions anyway---what would be gained?
  16. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    If it’s any comfort Shaquille O’Neal had a lifetime free throw percentage of 52% he couldn't shoot a free throw to save his life, or did you forget Hack-a-Shaq :eek:

  17. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    That second video in the op is the ref that got sacked from the NBA for betting on games. It's Funny that he's releasing videos to try and bring down others or tarnish the image of the NBA now.

    It's not that scandolous stuff doesn't go on in professional sports but the fallacious notions of the prevelance in which it goes on is silly. It'd be like saying all musicians lip sync when they perform because you exposed Milli Vanilli.
  18. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    omg the LA kings just won game 1 of the stanley cup finals I think it was fixed!!! :eek:

  19. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    There are really only 3 sports world wide.

    Martial arts
    Motor racing
    And bull fighting

    The rest are merely games. =]
  20. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Hey if the games are rigged then great, im a san antonio fan.
    the refs can influence games but they cant decide them.
    and nba is a great place to start because the nhl you could never convince me is rigged by the players. They are shooting the puck at 80mph or more. There is no (oh i think i need to let this shot in) it act and react. And then there os baseball, you really think hitting a 90 mph fastball with movement on it can be planned? There was only one time i thought a baseball game was rigged. The 2006 world series. After kenny rogers got caught cheating the tigers pitchers who were the best all season suddenly started playing like shit. Making several throwing errors. But in 99% of games there is no ridiculous mistakes.

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