Most Painfull Barefooting

Discussion in 'Bare It! Nudism and Naturism' started by Barefoot_kid, May 13, 2004.

  1. Barefoot_kid

    Barefoot_kid Member

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    I have a couple of stories, but I will just name a few. I am one of the only people that I know who has always attened school barefoot and for the lats 5 years has not worn shoes. I have some very tough soles and it takes a lot to hurt me. I stepped on a thumbtack on my way to the computer for example and never felt it. It wasn't until I was admiring my hard calloused soles. My feet are stull very pretty, just with tiny effective callouses. I always run to school and I cross one field that is full of sharp things. One time I stepped on barbed wire and was bleeding the whole day and gushing for the first hour. Another time I stepped on a non broken bottle and broke it. One day, I went to school and stepped on 6 thumbatcks in 1 day. Just my luck. One of my teachers goes barefoot. We compare feet sometimes. She has very beautieful feet. Very fresh with small slightly yellow callouses. I saw her step on about 5 thumbatcks one time, and later peel them off to tack some stuff on a bulitin board. She uses he foot as a holding place for the tacks. I think that is so cool. I have started doing that too. It is awsome.
    Native Vee likes this.
  2. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    I stepped on a nail at one time and it hurt like hell, I even cried....
    And one time I had stepped on glass but that was when i was a little..
    I love going barefoot though, I just love feet.
    Native Vee likes this.
  3. ericf

    ericf Member

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    One of my worst experiences was when I overdid myself. I hadn't walked any great distance in a long while and decided to walk 12 miles (6 each way) to the pool. I would have been in pain even if I had worn shoes... probably worse pain. It was pretty bad. I got a blister on the bottom of one foot and the top of the other got this deep ache that took like two days to go away. But my feet came out tougher for the experience. I'll probably keep walking that distance about three times a week to keep the feet from getting so weak again.
    Native Vee likes this.
  4. schatzi

    schatzi Member

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    I also stepped on a nail once. It hurt so much that I couldn't walk for a while. The good thing was that guys carried me all over the place. I can't complain about that!
    Native Vee likes this.
  5. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    :) must've been nice, my friends made fun of me and then bought me a cane..why, I have no idea, probably to be asses but ya gotta love'em. But they did buy me beer to make me feel better...
    Yeah, stepping on a nail was one of the most painful things I have endured..
    My brother stepped on a hornet and it stung the bottom of his foot, and he said that it hurt to walk on it for a while...
    Just thought I would share...:D
    Native Vee likes this.
  6. backtothelab

    backtothelab Senior Member

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    i stepped on this worm grub alien lookin thing in my garden, and it really freaked me out, i thought it was like gonna bore into my feet or something.i ran inside to look at my feet. I just had the guts, this morning, to go out barefoot again. It was mentally painful
    Native Vee likes this.
  7. Fractual_

    Fractual_ cosmos factory

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    kewl stories.

    the most painful thing thats happened to me was when i got a splinter in the arch of my foot:rolleyes:
    Native Vee likes this.
  8. Barefoot_kid

    Barefoot_kid Member

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    One time I walked on flamming hot tar. It cemented to my foot so I made note of breaking bottles with my bare feet in front of friends. Me and my friends played a game to see who had the toughest feet. And I won by sticking a blund rod through the plater sking and the heel. The rod was about an inch below the skin.
    Native Vee likes this.
  9. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    I'd cry....

    My feet are so so so sensitive that if anyone touches them, it tickles beyond belief...
  10. HappyHaHaGirl

    HappyHaHaGirl *HipForums Princess*

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    I went to prom when I was a freshman. I was wearing clear shoes, but took them off and was dancing barefoot on the floor with some friends and stepped on a piece of a glass someone had dropped. I picked it out and kept dancing, but it still hurt. I put my shoes on and kept dancing...I was dancing with a friend and he was spinning me in the air like an idiot, then I looked down and my shoe was full of blood. My friend Josh saw it and started freaking out and trying to find a band aid from a security guard, but I just went to the bathroom and rinsed it off and wrapped part of my pantyhose around it.
    I didn't feel it much that night, but I limped for like a month afterwards. I still have a scar on the bottom of my foot and blood on my prom dress... :)
    Native Vee likes this.
  11. WayfaringStranger

    WayfaringStranger Corporate Slave #34

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    last summer i was at a small festival in ohio, on my way down to georgia. i was hangin out with a couple of redneck pigfarmers who were selling firewood, and they were gettin me so drunk. somehow i got on the subjust of walking on glass ans walking on coals. feeling i had something to prove(???) i offered to do the firewalk. well them being drunk, held me to it and started advertising it the whole day. so after the music i showed up at thier camp, completely forgetting about it. well there was a bit of a crowd waiting asking where the fire walker was, so they pointed at me. every one was like "HIM??:confused: " so i told themn to make a huge fire, and i kept fuckin with them "not big enough, not hot enough" so i explained to him how to spread out hte coals (making it up like i was a pro ofcourse) when he spread em out i was like "naw gotta be longer c'mon thats nothin" so we spread it out to about 30-40ft. well the walk went ok, i made a big show of gathering my chi before hand, but somepeole missed it. i not realising that now my feet were fairly warm, offered to do it again if the pig farmer(who was drrrrrrunk) would do it too. well the second walk went good too, but i got a blister(cus my feet were already hot) and i had to limp on down to georgia with 50lbs on my back.
  12. DiffKettleOfFish

    DiffKettleOfFish Kickin' it

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    When I was a little kid I stepped on a poisonous spiky caterpillar. It was brown and it had little prickley things all over it. Well, it hurt SO BAD from the venom, and my foot turned purple and swelled up to the size of two grapefruits... on a little seven year old girl!

    I learned to watch where I walked.
    Native Vee likes this.
  13. HappyHaHaGirl

    HappyHaHaGirl *HipForums Princess*

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    Are you having a seizure or something???
  14. DiffKettleOfFish

    DiffKettleOfFish Kickin' it

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    no, sorry... the message thing has been screwing up and saying my message was too short even though it isn't, so i wanted to make sure it would post before I went and typed a whole paragraph. Sorry, haha.
  15. HappyHaHaGirl

    HappyHaHaGirl *HipForums Princess*

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    Good...good...I don't know CPR...and even if I's a message board....
    Native Vee likes this.
  16. Native Vee

    Native Vee Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    I walked on hot sand at the beach one time...... Wow was that hard!!!!

    Another time I had alot of gravel on pavement to deal with which wasnt easy either.........

    Generally I love going barefoot though... Its easier on my feet!
    Barefoot Rick and Toker like this.
  17. Barefoot Rick

    Barefoot Rick I love my dirty bare feet

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    I have walked on broken glass let cigarettes and fishing hooks and I have had cactus stuck on the sides of my bare feet but I never feel it my solos are so hard that I walk through anything. When you have been going barefoot as long as I have over 32 years your feet get really tough and strong. I haven’t worn socks or shoes in over 32 years some of my friends call me barefoot Rick because I’m always barefoot
  18. Josephinelcajon

    Josephinelcajon Joseph

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    I love being completely nude of everything. Especially feet. At home inside and out I am barefoot but must admit I am a bit of a tenderfoot and will slip on rubber crocks to do work in the yard. And sandals if leaving home. I never leave home barefoot. I find it not appropriate and dirty. I love walking on a beach shoreline feeling the waves washing the sand under your feet.
    Native Vee and Barefoot Rick like this.
  19. Barefoot Larry

    Barefoot Larry Members

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    Unless you have a medical condition you can toughen your feet so you can enjoy gardening and your yard. Just get out a walk your yard or go to the park and walk barefoot. Start off slowly, 10 minutes for a few days then 15, then 20 till you can stay barefoot as long as you want.
  20. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    Damn, a 20 year old thread. Well, why the hell not? Anyway... I've stepped on a bumblebee with a bare foot once by mistake, and she was a huge sucker too. And yes, the bastard stung me. Wasn't fun. Also, a steel nail pierced my foot some years back. Was pretty bloody, forced me to cover up for some weeks until it healed. Also wasn't fun.
    Native Vee and Barefoot Rick like this.

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