"Most men wouldn't commit to you, if you were bi."

Discussion in 'True Love' started by Amethyst_Bliss, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Amethyst_Bliss

    Amethyst_Bliss Member

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    These two men were telling me how it's going to be hard for a bisexual woman to find a partner, because they would be scared that she would cheat on them and that they wouldn't satisfy her. Do you guys agree? I disagree, because I've never cheated on anyone and I've felt happy with one partner. Just because I happen to find both sexes attractive doesn't mean I lack self control. I think it's unfair to blame bisexual people, when I see so many heterosexual people cheat. If you're that insecure about your partner cheating on you and not feeling satisfied, why not look at yourself and become more confident? These two men were also in their 50's and divorced. Maybe they're just old fashioned? they also told me that most men are sexually jealous. When I asked all of my guy friends that were my age, they didn't have a problem with bisexual women. Some of them agreed that it was stupid to think that a bi woman would leave you for another woman.
  2. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Those guys obviously don't speak for everyone.
  3. enhancer13

    enhancer13 Senior Member

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    Anyone who would think that is a complete insecure moron! People are not anymore likely to cheat just because they like both sexes. Your sexuality has nothing to do with if you are the kind of person to cheat. That would be a morale thing. If a person is going to cheat they are doing whether they are bi or not.

    My lady is Bi. This is something she confided in me early in our relationship. I am just happy to know that she is comfortable with her sexuality and feels like she can tell me anything about herself. I am no more worried about her cheating on me with another woman then I am a man. I trust her 100% as she does me. Why be in a relationship if you don't have trust? Jealousy is also a cancer to any relationship and I would not want to be around someone like that.
  4. Ladee Caid

    Ladee Caid Guest

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    I am not Bi, but my husband is. He and I have been together for 23 years and are still in love. A committed relationship is just that no matter what the sexual orientation. Evidently, those two gentleman feel insecure, because they don't really know what love and commitment is. To them it is all about sex and they just don't have what it takes to completely please a Bi woman.
  5. SuperPsychMe

    SuperPsychMe Member

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    I have a beautiful bisexual girlfriend, we have been together for 2 years. I trust her completely, I know she wouldn't cheat on me. It's more of a good opportunity :D

    We have tossed around the idea of finding another female and if we find the right one then there will be great times to be had. I'm a lucky guy, she's so beautiful.

    Recently I've opened up to her more about my own personal curiosities and she is okay with it. She told me she would understand if I needed to explore that at some point and that it wouldn't bother her. She has to be there if it's a chick though ;)
  6. Backstreet Lover

    Backstreet Lover Member

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  7. Amethyst_Bliss

    Amethyst_Bliss Member

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    Thanks for the replies. I will say that the idea of all men loving and being turned on by bisexual women isn't true. I would say my female friends are more understanding of bisexuality than some of the men I've met.
  8. Amethyst_Bliss

    Amethyst_Bliss Member

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    Can any man also confirm if maybe there's some jealousy or threat when men say things like that? This happened on another forum where several men were ganging up on me saying that I wouldn't be able to find anyone. It was pretty weird.
  9. Jrod11

    Jrod11 Member

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    Wow. My Wife is Bi and we have now been together for almost 4 years. We have had our share of 3somes with other girls and she enjoys playing sometimes but has always sent me pics and kept me in the loop. That is the key! I have never once felt threatened. I instead feel lucky and my closest friends say I hit the lottery!
  10. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I don't know....I'm pretty ok with it. :afro:
  11. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    I see nothing wrong with bi-women. In fact after my gal would spend the night out with the girls. She was always ready for great sex, when she got home.
  12. jameske91

    jameske91 Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I truly hope to married a bi woman...I love a woman who is sexually adventurous.
  13. lovemeformymind

    lovemeformymind Member

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    I actually know a lot of bisexual women and almost all of them have at some point been cheated on by a male partner, I'm more surprised that they are still open to men. I'm glad they are open enough to know not to lump everyone as the same like these two guys have.

    I have only been in a relationship with one bi woman, we talked about bringing other women into our bedroom but our differences in tastes and attraction lead us unable to agree on a third party so it never happened lol.
  14. doreigirl

    doreigirl Member

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    My BF (now fiancé, woohoo!) has to be the most grounded, least insecure guy I have ever known. He is totally comfortable with my sexuality.

    I've been in straight and lesbian relationships, and what I know that while I'm physically attracted to both genders and emotionally connect with guys in a different way. My fiancé knows that another girl in my life is no match for him.
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  15. iriegnome

    iriegnome Member

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    I can't speak for any other guy than myself. It doesn't bother me that my current wife has a bisexual background. Cheating with a woman or a man would bother me. No difference at all. If she doesn't want to be with me, leave. DO NOT CHEAT. It is simple, it doesn't matter man or woman, cheating is cheating. You can think the same way of non-bisexual people. Just because she has been with another man, will she cheat?? Trust is the thing here
  16. onepercenter

    onepercenter Guest

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    I disagree. If my old lady was bi and wanted to have sex with another woman I don't consider it cheating. I wouldn't deprive her of something I couldn't give her.
    drock69 and JazzMartini like this.
  17. mojper

    mojper Guest

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    Everything is on what kind of person you are. It's not matter are you bi, homo or hetero, it's all about you.
  18. drawinginblank

    drawinginblank Member

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    I do not think so. I know many faith bisexual people who are totally against cheating.
  19. tommeem1

    tommeem1 Members

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    Depends on the person. Some people who are bisexual will cheat and some don't. Same goes for any other sexual orientation.
  20. iriegnome

    iriegnome Member

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    My wife was in a relationship with another woman a long while ago. I am a pretty traditional guy and yes, it at first set me back. However, I am not a jealous person and my wife's past made her who she is now, so big deal. She chose to marry me and we live that way. We don't really ever even talk about it after she told me. I know what it was and when, she enjoyed what they had, they broke up.. Pretty much the end of the story. I have had past lovers. If she doesn't care about my past why should I judge her on her past...

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