I feel like I must be going through something because I've been blowing through books like tissues lately. I read almost exclusively using my e-library card. I'm grateful for it now, because I'd be very broke by now if not for the library. So I was curious and I looked at my timeline on the app, and I counted how many books I'd gone through last month. Fucking 26 books. I'm definitely a speed reader, but it still surprised me. What's the most you've read in a month long period?
Last time I did that I was in my teens and early twenties. btw I did try that Evelyn Wood speed reading crap years ago but it just wasn't a good fit.
The most I recall ever reading in a month is 5 or 6, and that was well over 15 years ago. These days I'm so busy I'm lucky if I can finish one 400+ page book in TWO months. Didn't even sign up for the Goodreads reading challenge this year, and probably won't next year, either.
I've spent the past week or so in a, rather boring yet confusing book, I just want to be done with it! Then I have a few lined up! I get my books on Amazon, if you search low to high you will get the free ones ! It's hard for me to say a definite book amount since some of my books are short ( erotica)
Unfortunately, I find myself reading a lot less then when I was younger. I think I recently read three books in a one month period, but most weeks I read no books at all. I do try to read news (mostly Washinton Post On Line sub and Politico), but even that, not as much as I once did.
I have gone through periods where I could easily read a book a day, usually around 400 pages, but then very little else was getting done so I would have to actively try not to read. Lol However I have just found a reason to read as much as possible and not feel bad about it 50% of Americans report that they never read any books. The average is 4 a year. The people that report reading a lot, usually read 16 or 17 books a year. But there are a few that report reading 50-60 books a year and those people are often billionaires that credit their success to reading a lot of books. Lol Maybe if I read A LOT I too can become a billionaire!
A good book I will read in few days but a slow dull one can take me a couple of months. But on average I probably read about 12 to 15 a year.