Morphogenic Fields Discovered

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by wooleeheron, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    This is a rather vague description of a new theory that attempts to redefine mass and energy as the product of their entropy and information. Entropy can be thought of as a measure of our ignorance about a system, how much we can know we don't know, which increases constantly as everything changes. Here they are arguing that information can be treated like a magnetic field or other force of nature that normalizes the distribution of entropy in a system, and eliminates the requirement for dark matter in models.

    I've never read anything about Morphogenic fields, considering them every bit as meaningless as modern field theory, but this research is moving in the same direction I am and I'll need to work on this one for awhile to make more sense out of it. They are sort of practicing physics backwards, attempting to measure the overall system and then retrodict, which is just unusual.
  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    There is an enormous amount of evidence to suggest that dark energy must exist, but dark matter is more controversial. Its the best explanation they have right now, but it falls apart sometimes and, for example, galaxies tend to show dark matter as not necessarily evenly distributed or just forming a halo around galaxies. Assuming particle-wave duality applies to everything, then the dark matter model should eventually fall apart and be replaced by dark energy alone, which could turn out to be information from the future normalizing the past. You could say everything resembles the Big Bang and Big Crunch in that everything has a tendency to want to explode outward and radiate heat, but information from the future normalizing the past ensures everything also tries to assume the simplest shape possible both individually and collectively, producing emergent effects across vast scales.

    If so, that means 16-32 emergent effects can all be reduced down to 4-8 rudimentary ones that can describe how everything fits together according to symmetry and temperature.
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    This is related to the current chapter I'm writing, so I'll just ramble a little here if anyone is interested. Morphogenic fields are supposedly related to any other kind of field such as gravity, and can be considered the source of life, the universe, and everything, including the human mind and soul. They express what physicists call "global" forces, with a common refrigerator magnet expressing the same magnetic field over the whole magnet. Heat has proven to be proportional to magnetism, so you could say heat is more of a local phenomenon, but is always related to global forces. However, my own view is that it is the harmony between global and local forces that we call life, awareness, and consciousness, love, etc. Our own thoughts and emotions should inevitably turn out to be inexplicable, and even whether the universe is actually alive or a machine, and we will simply have to take them on faith.

    Note that the Taoists, Hindi, and others often assume the world around them is a living organism, and this is related to the concept of Chi, or the undetectable flow within the empty void. Magic basically, with Taoists claiming that magic is merely the universe imposing instant karma, and exactly how the universe does that is beyond human imagination. Novelty is what makes love possible for a Taoist, their own novelty or they've missed the point, and God constantly plays peek-a-boo spreading all the love around because, if it were any different, nobody would be around to ask the question.

    In physics, this cuts to the chase of demanding an explanation for Noether's theorem, at the heart of modern physics, which shows how symmetry is related to the conservation laws. The mathematics they have are still pretty bad, by their own admission, but they've been making renewed efforts to improve on the HUP in particular, which only recently was shown to be able to account for momentum in quantum mechanics, as related to how long it takes a particle to travel from point A to B. I doubt they'll get the math right before the computers spit it all out, and then it could take a decade or longer for the idiots to make more sense out of it all. My book will allow others to leap frog the theorists and experimentalists altogether and make them look like complete idiots, performing Three Stooges slapstick because they don't get the punch lines.

    Academics hate me, and for good reason, because I know how to make it hurt bad. I tell them the truth hurts for a reason, get over it already!
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019

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