More tax reforms?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Visexual, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. Visexual

    Visexual Member

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    I'm just waiting for Trump to start pushing for more tax reductions for the wealthy. And with adding over $6 trillion to the dept?

    The, self proclaimed, leaders are calling this a war. So, if so, then the cost for fighting this war is war debt, right?

    After WWll the tax rate for income over $200,000 was 91% to pay the war debt.
    After the Korean Conflict it was the same.
    After the Vietnam Conflict it was 70% over $100,000.

    So, shouldn't we be thinking that taxes for the wealthy should be raised to pay off this war debt?
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    This is a highly complex situation affecting all western countries and can be difficult to understand.

    I will concentrate on the US, starting in 1939.

    At the outbreak of war, unlike Germany, they allowed capitalists to set up and run the war factories. This produced near 100% employment which resulted in the largest boom time for America in the immediate post war years.
    Taxing the people capable of changing production to meet changing demands in the following decades, then allowed the country to slide into recession.

    With every job lost, the burden on the country increased, peoples lifestyle declined and today we have cities like Detroit to show the end result.
    The government were simply too greedy.

    Trump promised to make America great again, so to do this, he needs to rebuild industry. THE ONLY people who can achieve this are the capitalist companies.

    Make no mistake, although no shots are being fired, we are all at war with China.
    Every penny that we spend on imports from them, is sending dollars along a one way street, since they have no use for them and are forced to reinvest them in the US
    They wont need to fire any shots, a few decades from now, they will simply own the country.

    Now I am going to change the subject.

    In 1919, Germany was crippled by it's post war debt. Although everyone ignores it, the plight or it's citizens (who played no part in starting WW1) left them feeling that their was no hope for their generation, is what led to the uprise of the Nazi party. WE ALL KNOW HOW THAT ENDED UP.

    It was greed on the part of rulers and Kings, that led to both the French and Russian revolutions. WE ALL NEED TO REMEMBER THIS.

    I could sit here all day giving further examples, some of them dating back centuries.

    In Summary.

    I can see what Trump is trying to achieve. Far from being a reason to ridicule and scorn, the failure of his own companies allows him to see the scale of the task of putting America back on the economic map.

    For all his goofy ways, the man is no fool.
    I think that a lot of his opposition comes from people benefiting from importing from the East. In my opinion, these people are simply parasites on the US economy.

    Most of the western world is in the same situation.
    China already owns around 30% of London properties and several major UK companies.

    Perhaps Trump would be better suited to a post as adviser to the UN. :yum::yum::yum:
    WritersPanic and Mallyboppa like this.
  3. It's amazing how many "enlightened" and "progressive" folks are so quick to call the president a "moron" and such. As if they have ever done anything on such a scale.

    It goes back to that whole "Faces of the Enemy" tactic for rallying people to a common cause. It's very effective in a shooting war, where people are fighting to save their homes, families and lifestyle. And it's been used in politics going back to the ancient Greeks. But it's just a tactic and it routinely pushes the limits of actual truth.
  4. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    They will never, ever do their part, and they will continue to bleed the middle class, and they will continue to get filthy rich while doing it.
    Visexual likes this.
  5. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I am hearing that The House of Reps. wants to eliminate the SALT cap. Why cancel taxes for the wealthy?

    Income tax rates are meaningless if there are big loopholes
    Visexual likes this.

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