Rules is simple enough. Just tell us something that's going on right now. Like: Somewhere out there right now, somebody is drinking coffee
Somewhere Out There Right Now, Somebody Called GLEN Is Sitting At His Puuuuter, Stroking A Pussy With His Left Hand, And Sipping A Glass Of Chardonnay With His Right .... Cheers Glen.
Some where out there rite now there are people with all the forums that they are a member of on speed dial . They are searching each site looking for an interesting post some where .
Some where out there rite now some computer geek is busy coding a new distro of Linux . If you dont know what this is all about , I will post links to distro sites .
Some where out there rite now the crew is ploting the new couse and repairing the rockets of this space ship that they put us in when the astroid smashed the earth , but they did not tell the stupid people . Oops I said too much . by