More people here with an legal first name change?

Discussion in 'People' started by Fox&Wolf, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. Fox&Wolf

    Fox&Wolf Members

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    When my husband and I met each other we had first names who are not matching and conflicting in meaning.

    When things gets serious and we talked about mirage and childeren, we talked also about our first names.

    We decided to change our both first names in to a matching pair and who are more harmonious together.

    After doing some research we found lots of people with animal names as their first name and that idea we liked it so we decided that our new first names would be a animal name.

    I found as first the right first name for me who is maching with my personality and that would become Fox.

    To gether we found a new first name for my husband who is maxhing with his personality and with my new first name and that’s Wolf.

    So we went to the townhall to do a request to change our first names legal and officially.

    With in 2 monrhs after that request we had the official clearance, had new birth certificates and passports and it was officiall, from that moment my name is Fox and my Husband’s name is Wolf.
    swan616 likes this.
  2. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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  3. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    When my mate immigrated, her family anglicized their names.
    She was sold off into an arranged marriage at 16, got beaten, got divorced (she's now and forever haram; shunned and outcast from her immigré community); kept his last name for the kid's sake.
    Several years ago, changed her first and last name back to her original birth name in her native language.
    You can neither spell or pronounce it, but it's uniquely hers. Makes her happy.
  4. swan616

    swan616 Members

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    Yeah cost me $130 never looked back..I know heaps of alternative people and it definitely isn't common here in Australia (nth coast NSW)

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