Man tries to rob a group of teenagers, Police are called, when they arrive the Police hold their guns pointing at the victim teenagers because they happen to be black !!! It should have been a normal Friday evening. Three adolescent boys were waiting for a bus near Los Angeles, California, holding their skateboards. Suddenly a man approached them, asking for drugs and attempting to rob them. Then, he pulled out a knife and a whip and rushed to attack the boys. Onlookers scrambled to help out, calling the police. But when officers arrived, they pointed all their guns — including an AR-15 assault rifle — on the teenagers. Why? Because the kids were Black. Bystanders immediately tried to intervene, clarifying who the real suspect was. Instead of listening, the cops told witnesses to back away while they kept their guns locked on the three boys, whom they handcuffed and detained. While we're beyond relieved that the teens were ultimately released and are still alive and safe, this should never have happened at all. Their safety should never have been in question. Police came this close to shooting and murdering three more unarmed, innocent civilians — and children, at that. Their names could have become just another rallying cry, just another sign at a protest. Alex Villaneuva, the LA County Sheriff, has said "the matter is being investigated," but in the past that's meant that dangerous, reckless cops just get off scot-free. Demand that Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva actually do something by removing all AR-15 military weapons from his department and by firing the police officers who almost killed three young teens!
First the Aurora Police Department handcuffed a black family after mistaking their car as stolen, (while holding a 6 year old girl, and a 12 year old at gunpoint) and now Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputies hold three innocent Black teenagers at gunpoint. Great just another day in the good ole USA
Its your country, its your Police force, start asking questions of your local councils and your Representatives & Senators !!!
And yet again !!! Wisconsin Police Shoot Black Man In The Back 7 Times In Broad Daylight Protesters faced off with officers who were dressed in riot gear after a video posted on social media showed the shooting. Neighbours confronted law enforcement at the scene of a police shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Sunday that drew a harsh rebuke from the governor and prompted crowds to march in the streets after a video posted on social media appeared to show officers shoot at a man’s back seven times as he leaned into a vehicle. Kenosha Police said a person was hospitalised in serious condition following a shooting by officers about 5pm as police were responding to a “domestic incident”. Police did not provide details about what led to the shooting or about the officers involved but said the person was transported to a hospital in Milwaukee for treatment. CBS Chicago Kenosha Police said a person was hospitalised in serious condition following a shooting by officers about 5pm In the video posted on social media - that appeared to show the shooting from across a street - three officers could be seen shouting and pointing their weapons at the man as he walked around the front of an SUV parked on the street. As the man opened the driver’s side door and leaned inside, one officer grabbed his shirt from behind and then fired into the vehicle. Seven shots could be heard on the video, though it was unclear if more than one officer fired. Following the shooting, social media posts showed neighbours gathering in the surrounding streets and hurling comments at police. Some could be heard chanting, “No justice, no peace.” CBS Chicago A video posted on social media showed Kenosha, Wisconsin police officers shoot at a man’s back seven times as he leaned into a vehicle Later Sunday, in a scene that mirrored the months of protests over racial injustice around the world that have followed the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and other Black people killed by police, marchers headed to the Kenosha County Public Safety Building, which authorities had mostly blocked off. Protesters marched along lines of cars honking on their way to the station and eventually made their way to the rear parking lot. A man could be seen breaking the window of a patrol car parked along the street. Some police officers were positioned on the roof of the station as people continued toward the building Outside the station, protesters faced off with officers who were dressed in riot gear that included plastic facemasks and held plastic shields and batons that they occasionally used to push people back. This is what it looks like at the scene of @KenoshaPolice officer-involved shooting where a large crowd formed with some people getting on top of squads and breaking the windows. — Lauren Linder (@lauren_linder) August 24, 2020 #BREAKING: Tear gas just deployed by law enforcement at @KenoshaPolice station. This is all in response to a man who police say was seriously injured in an officer-involved shooting this afternoon. — Lauren Linder (@lauren_linder) August 24, 2020 Governor Tony Evers on Sunday night released a statement on Twitter condemning the shooting of a man who “was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight” and whom he identified as Jacob Blake. NEW: Wisconsin governor releases details black man being shot by officers in Kenosha. “Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight...Kathy and I join his family, friends, and neighbors in hoping earnestly that he will not succumb to his injuries.” — Pervaiz Shallwani (@Pervaizistan) August 24, 2020 Kenosha Police referred all questions to the Wisconsin Department of Justice, which did not immediately respond to messages seeking to confirm details of the shooting video. The Kenosha Sheriff’s Department and Wisconsin State Patrol were requested at the scene so another law enforcement agency could take over, police said in the news release. Meanwhile, Kenosha County late Sunday night declared a state of “emergency curfew,” which the Kenosha Sheriff’s Department would enforce until 7 am. The city of Kenosha is located on Lake Michigan, about 40 miles (64.37 Kilometers) south of Milwaukee. A Kenosha Police Department dispatcher referred calls by The Associated Press to the Wisconsin Department of Justice, the agency that will be investigating the shooting. A message left with DOJ was not immediately returned. BREAKING: A #curfew & state of emergency has just been issued in Kenosha following #JacobBlake shooting. It is in effect until 7 a.m. Monday. Officials say “public needs to be off the streets for their safety.”
He not dead yet so it's too early to call it murder, but it's certainly nothing shy of attempted murder.
I'm kind of perplexed as to why they didn't tackle him before he got to the car door But once he opened the car door, who knows what he had under the seat
William Barr confirms just how insidious 'institutional racism' is and how far up the hierarchy it extends !!! US Attorney General Says Police Being Racist Toward Black People Isn't Racism William Barr dismissed the idea of systemic racism in the justice system and claimed Jacob Blake was armed when police shot him. Attorney General William Barr stunned viewers Wednesday when he said that it’s not necessarily racism when police repeatedly treat Black people differently than white people. Barr made the remarks in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, who pressed him to back up his stated belief that Black people aren’t disproportionately targeted by law enforcement. “I think there are some situations where statistics would suggest that they are treated differently, but I don’t think that that’s necessarily racism,” Barr said. The attorney general also disputed the idea that the criminal justice system treats Black people more harshly, as research broadly shows it does. “No, I don’t think there are two justice systems,” he said. “I think the narrative that the police are on some epidemic of shooting unarmed Black men is simply a false narrative, and also the narrative that that’s based on race.” Wolf confronted Barr with a remark he’d made to ABC in July, quoting him as saying, “I do think it is a widespread phenomenon that African American males, in particular, are treated with extra suspicion and maybe not given the benefit of the doubt.” “That’s what I just said,” Barr responded. Perplexed, Wolf asked, “But doesn’t that sound like systemic racism?” Barr began nitpicking the language: “No. To me, the word systemic means that it’s built into the institution.” What the attorney general acknowledged to be true is, in fact, systemic racism. Racism against Black people has been built into the American system since white settlers colonised the land and then spent centuries enslaving Black people and legalising discrimination against them. The lingering effects of those practices are what fuel the racism Black Americans face today, sometimes directly costing them their lives. President Donald Trump, too, said this week that police violence against Black people isn’t a systemic issue. “I don’t believe that,” he said. “I think the police do an incredible job, and I think you do have some bad apples.” Trump was speaking at a roundtable event in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where police recently shot Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old Black man, in the back seven times, paralysing him from the waist down. Barr claimed during his CNN interview that Blake was “in the midst of committing a felony and he was armed.” Wolf corrected him, noting that Blake’s family and lawyers say that a knife might have been nearby but that Blake wasn’t armed with it. Barr stood by his claim about the case, which remains under investigation by the Wisconsin Department of Justice and the FBI.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There have been a number of research studies including one by a Stanford team which employed sophisticated methods from computational linguistics to analyze documented interactions between police officers and black and white motorists during routine traffic stops, They found that officers' utterances were significantly less respectful towards black motorists than whites. The researchers note one particularly troubling implication of this data. "These disparities could have adverse effects downstream” If officers are less respectful to blacks than they are to whites, this is likely to make the criminal justice system less fair. And it can erode the trust between police and the black community.
Well in two months If Biden is successful, the first order of business is to fire William Barr and have him investigated for criminal wrongdoing
one of the big problems with all this for me is that the blacks don't help themselves, a lot of them do go out causing trouble and behaving according to type, so it doesn't help their cause. I have worked in a large city with a lot of blacks and to be brutally honest I found that most of the younger ones WERE bloody awful, no respect and intent on causing trouble. As for comments about people being shot for not doing as they are told, well you try it, you have no idea why that person is reaching back into a vehicle, are they getting paperwork or is it a weapon, there's only seconds in it, you could, in a matter of seconds be looking at someones driving documents, or feeling the incredible pain as a bullet shreds its way through your vital organs. Even knocking on a door can be seriously bad for your health, will it be opened normally, will it be opened by someone with a weapon, or will it, as often happens be blown to bits by a shotgun blast from inside the premises. It's years since I worked in that field and yet even today when I have to knock at a door I stand to one side before knocking, it's a survival instict, if you've never been there you have no idea. Yes we do need to do something about racism, but it has to be done properly, I'm so sick to death of seeing it here in the UK, it's not about equality any more it's about someone getting something they are not entitled to. For example, if I as a white male apply for a job and don't get it because I don't have the right qualifications, then tough! Now if it's a black man in that situation all he has to do is scream racism, problem solved, we've now got a situation over here where the best person for the job is based on perceptions and quotas, 'we need to employ 20% of blacks in our workforce' so they do, whether those blacks can actually do the job is irrelevant, they employ them to meet quotas! People need to get a job on merit not because of their skin colour or such, to be fair though it's not JUST blacks, it seems to be a lot of the younger generation, they think the world OWES them something, how many times do we hear, "you have to respect me" or "well, you're ok, you've got a decent job", it's like I said to one lad a while back, "yes, I have a decent job but I worked for it, I went to college and night school, I still do take courses every so often, I'm a qualified electrician and it took me five years to become one. I didn't leave school with 5 GCSE's and a C&G in electrical installation" If people want stuff they have to work for it and respect has to be earned, not only earned but given, how the hell can anyone expect to be respected when they have no respect for others!
Respect is a two-way street, and since respect isn't given to ethnic employees in the first place, then why should they have respect for scumbag racists ???