More leaf raking. It seems that every leaf in town fell in my yard. A bit cooler, so long pants, but still barefoot.
I miss the old days when after we raked them we could burn the smell of dry leafs burning.....
Love doing yardwork barefoot. Mowing the grass I love how my soles are all green when Im done. Raking leaves when it s cold outside feels great.
The leaves had been piling up in one corner of the yard for the past month so everything at the bottom of the pile is really nice, cool and soft. Makes gardening so much more pleasant.
Without nowhere to go and once I'm fed up with walking all I did this weekend was barefoot yard work plenty of weeding, trimming bushes, cleaning up flowerbeds and sweeping up. All good fun when done barefoot
Anything wet is enjoyable, as long as it isn't too cold. Or, if it is cold, it's a hot day so your feet quickly warm up again. I love hiking/walking where there are streams and/or puddles. The shoddies try to figure out how to get across or go around, while I just tromp right through!
When I sit on the ground to pull weeds or trim, I don’t want shoes turning my ankles the wrong way.
The kids helped out with some yardwork yesterday. Tons of help and a lot more fun barefeet. Removed a few old tree stumps that required some strong kicks too.
I used to mow the lawn barefoot but the lawn clippings would get stuck to my feet an make a mess. I would just have to remember to wash off thoroughly with a hose before going inside.