Moonflower Question

Discussion in 'Exotic Psychedelic Plants' started by kheri76, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. kheri76

    kheri76 Members

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    Ok, so, we have started a hydroponics system and I grabbed moonflower seeds to plant thinking they would be great to vine outside when they are too big for the grow bed. Not knowing anything about the flowers, just thought they were pretty.

    We planted them in the grow bed and they are growing great! In that same grow bed (rather large bed), we also planted kale, tomatoes, basil, rosemary, radishes, and thyme.

    My question:
    Do you think that the other plants are still ok to eat even though they grew with the moonflower, using the same water source? Or, should we just throw them out and start it over. I already plan to get the flowers out of the bed, wash the bed and the clay pebbles, and fill with clean water for the next round of plants.

    any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Grey Linn

    Grey Linn Members

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    Huh, I wouldn't know. But I have grown datura, and consumed small amounts. I would imagine that datura wouldn't leach psychoactives into the soil lol, you should be fine. Eat small ammounts of your greens and if you start having symptoms of scopalamine poisoning, go to the hospital. I think the chances of that happening are slim, though.
    The plant itself, however, almost has a spirit of its own. Growing one in your home will fill it with its presence. Treat it with respect, my friend.
    FritzDaKatx2 likes this.

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