I have a friend who commented on my rather large Mons Pubis. That is that chubby little area above the vagina. I never really thought about it. After looking online, I find that there are girls who have surgery to have theirs reduce. I thought mine was cute. What is the opinion here? Anyone. Do you like a large Mons on a girl?
I wouldn't worry about it. Most of us guys either like a little chubby pubis mons or don't even notice it.
Mine is very fleshy. People obsess over the strangest things. I never noticed until a friend comented once that it was jiggly. I jiggled it a few times to test it out and see. Then we died laughing and went to show other friends changing clothes nearby. Choches come in different shapes. Nothing wrong with yours.
Mine is chubby as well - never ever had ANY complaints. However, yes, in today's world of perceived perfection, I'm sure there are some precious (or precocious??) little darlings who will have their mons surgically altered.
Chubby is good. I once had sex with a very attractive lady who had a very boney mons pubis, it was not fun, to hard if we bumped too much.
If that's her in her profile pic, she's pretty little. I'm guessing it's her pubic bone showing more than the average woman. No problem though I'm sure you're very beautiful.
For that particular area, the bigger, the better. It's such a beautiful little feature of your body...
It's a good thing, both for cushion in vaginal intercourse and for the chin during oral. It's also just really nice to massage, and play with during foreplay. It also looks good when in a bikini...those (male or female) who don't like the look of a meaty mons, must have some kinda anorexic appeal for super thin girls or something. An ex of mine had one, but went through anorexia and she lost it when her body started metabolizing all the fat she had. Don't fuck yourselves up girls and women, being happy with your body is cheaper on the wallet and probably will do NotHiNG on your appeal towards guys.
Love what you've got, and don't worry about it. And for what it's worth, I actually like it when there's a little mound there.
OP, I wouldn't mess with what mother nature blessed you with. Unless it's getting in the way or causing you some badness in some way just let it be