hi all, I have been searching through these threads for a few months and plan on cultivating my own shrooms. I plan on using a monotub. It will be my first time doing this but i am confident i can make it work. The only thing I am not sure of is if i can cultivate them in an empty shed I have. The shed is completly empty and has a cement floor. I plan on using a heater to keep it at the right tempurature, but i am not sure if there will be enough air flow to keep the co2 out of my tub. If anyone has tried this or knows for a fact it wont work please inform me on what I would need to do if it is possible or if i should not try
I would place the monotub on a tsble isndie the shed to keep it up off the cement floor.... This will help keep the temps from fluxing so much. Other then that keep it clean.