Money Talks, Bullshit Walks

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by wooleeheron, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Money Talks, Bullshit Walks

    If the Duck's approval ratings prove anything,
    Its that schizophrenia is never to be confused,
    With a thriving democracy.
    Nor is voting for whichever clown screams the loudest.
    The same idiots who voted for Bush and Obama,
    Voted for Donald Duck,
    Because its still illegal to vote for Mickey Mouse in the state of Maryland.
    Many of the people of Maryland commute to D.C. for work,
    And know they probably won't be around in four years,
    So they vote for whichever clown promises the lowest taxes.
    The tax cut proposals became so patently absurd,
    That people just started voting for Mickey instead.
    If votes are all you want these days,
    Money talks, while bullshit walks.
    All you have to do is wave money in the air,
    Claim that you are not, a Washington insider,
    And have a good looking woman under your arm,
    But, it helps if you also try to stand out from the crowd.
    Oprah, has a shitload of money, and knows how to wave it around.
    Washington D.C. may have to relocate to Hollywood,
    Or make it illegal to vote for celebrities.
    Let's Make a Deal has become reality TV,
    And Monty Hall is rolling over in his grave,
    Waiting for Americans to pick the next booby prize.
    Now, Yogi Berra really knew how to play to the game,
    For what profit it a man if he gain the world,
    But loses his soul.
    That's why Yogi was just smart enough to avoid politics.
    Nobody ever lost money or their soul,
    Underestimating the average intelligence of the American public.​
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Yeeep and a people also say they make their money work for them, but I ain't never seen a stack of bills walking in and out of an office for anyone.
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Affordable Peace

    Instant gratification is knowing,
    Money can buy you anything!
    Even momentary happiness,
    Is much better than nothing.
    Drink all the saltwater you want.
    Contentment is only for those who can afford it.
    Peace seldom remains affordable for very long.
    When a nation has a nice sense of humor,
    Horses draw manure through their fields.
    When a nation looses its sense of humor,
    Horses carry soldiers through their streets.
    There is no greater sickness on earth,
    No greater possible disaster exists,
    Than losing our sense of humor,
    Ignoring our own horseshit!
    Buying unsatisfying crap,
    Nobody Wants!!!!!​
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018

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